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Eight Foods To Avoid Diabetes

Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is a long-term or chronic disease characterized by blood sugar (glucose) levels that are far above normal. The only thing you might be able to do is try to control it, and this depends on your food choices. However, it is not so easy. There are some foods that contain sugar hidden in them. This seemingly healthy food can wreak havoc in the lives of diabetics.

And for diabetics, it's very important to pay attention to high levels of sugar, carbohydrates, and fat in food. These foods are not on the list for diabetics because they can cause a sudden spike in blood sugar which can be fatal for diabetics.

Foods To Avoid Diabetes

1. Fruit Juice

This might sound like a very healthy choice, but it isn't. Even for the general public, this fruit juice is not termed as a healthy drink. This is solely for the reason that fruit juice contains high sugar content and zero and even very low in fiber. A nutrient content from juice is also very low. So this is not for all diabetics. But on the contrary, they also have to attach whole fruit such as apples, berries, and pears. This will not increase your blood sugar levels suddenly.

2. French Fries

These fries are fairly high in terms of fat and carbohydrates, so this one is also on the list of diabetics who avoid all costs. Even if you choose a small package of french fries, your blood sugar levels can jump dramatically. These days, you can choose baked potato chips. You can also try baked french fries.

3. Cereal Breakfast

Cereal is a quick and easy breakfast choice. However, they are fairly high in terms of sugar which is not good for diabetics. Cornflakes, rice flakes, puffed cereal oats should be avoided. There are some of them even contain a sweet coating which makes it even worse for diabetics. People usually consume large amounts of cereals which, again, is not at all good for diabetics. For a healthier alternative is bran or oat cereal. Going for wheat lost kuni, they have a lower glycemic index.

4. Pizza

Sugar in sauce, fat in cheese, and fine flour in the crust make this pizza one of the worst foods for diabetics that you must avoid at all costs. And if you choose thick crust, the effect can be worse. A better alternative is a thin-crust pizza with lots of vegetables and less cheese. Check how this affects your blood sugar levels and then makes it a healthy alternative to regular pizza.

5. Alcohol

Spelled out this alcohol is not good for diabetics. This may be that a glass or two of red wine can sometimes be fine, however, when it exceeds the limit it can be dangerous for diabetics. In addition, this alcohol can also interfere with your blood sugar levels so it is good to check how much you drink.

6. Banana

Fruits like bananas are high in sugar. However, in limited quantities they will not be very dangerous for diabetics. If diabetics want to include fruits in their diet, they must also ensure that simple carbohydrates and sugars in fruits are accompanied by fiber.

7. Processed Meat

Somewhat sadly, diabetics need to get rid of bacon, sausage, salamis, and steak as well. This simple salami sandwich might sound like a healthy choice, but but it is actually not healthy in any way. They are fiber with sodium which can increase a risk of heart disease in people with type two diabetes.

8. Sweet Food

Yeah, you have to give up on cookies, cakes, donuts, pancakes, wafers, chocolate and other sweets, and all of this is due to a high sugar and carbohydrate content. Not to mention the low nutritional value of these foods. These foods can cause a sudden spike in your blood sugar levels. So when you feel your hand moving towards the cookie jar, try to find a distraction. However, do whatever is necessary to keep these foods from your diet, whatever the risks.