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Preparation for Returning to School during the Adaptation of New Habits

Entering a period of adaptation to new habits, teaching, and learning activities in a small number of schools, campuses, and where courses are starting to become active again. However, there are several things that need to be prepared by students and schools to avoid transmission of the Coronavirus.

After the children undergo learning activities at home for approximately 4 months, the government began to consider reopening schools and allowing face-to-face teaching and learning activities, especially for schools in the green zone. However, this is certainly done by applying the established health protocols during the adaptation period for new habits

Preparation for Back to School

Every parent of course must always be vigilant when children are allowed to return to school at school. The reason is, the COVID-19 outbreak is not over and the transmission of the Coronavirus is still at risk. Therefore, schools and parents must also follow health protocols and make various preparations so that children can return to school safely in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Not only schools, various other educational institutions, or institutions, such as universities and course places, also need to prepare and implement several things to reduce the possibility of Coronavirus transmission.

There are several things that need to be prepared by schools and other educational institutions before resuming teaching and learning activities during the COVID-19 pandemic, namely:

  • Provide sanitation, such as clean toilets and handwashing facilities equipped with running water and soap or hand sanitizer
  • Have access to public health facilities, such as health centers, clinics, and hospitals
  • Apply the mandatory area of ​​the mask or face shield ( face shield )
  • Take body temperature measurements, for example with an infrared thermometer, on everyone who enters the school area
  • Mapping groups of people, including teachers, students, or staff, who are discouraged from doing activities at school, for example, because they have just returned from the red or black zone
  • Making an agreement with the education committee regarding the implementation of face-to-face teaching and learning activities

Apart from being in the green zone, schools that will re-conduct their learning activities need to obtain permission from the local government or the Ministry of Religion.

Health Protocols Entering the School Environment

The following are some things everyone needs to do, including teachers, students, and anyone who wants to enter the school environment and while they are in school:

  • Wear a mask when in a school environment.
  • Has your temperature checked when you enter the school area? People who have a body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius are not allowed to enter the school environment.
  • Wash hands with clean water and soap or hand sanitizer.
  • Apply cough etiquette, namely covering the nose and mouth with a tissue and immediately throwing them in the trash or covering the nose and mouth with the folds of the elbows when coughing.
  • Maintain a minimum distance ( physical distancing ) of 1-2 meters from other people.

Learning and Teaching Health Protocols

The health protocol for teachers, students, and all school staff after the face-to-face teaching and learning activities at schools are resumed are as follows:

  • School cleaners must clean the classroom and spray disinfectants all over the room, either before or after teaching and learning activities.
  • Every teacher, student, and other staff at the school are required to wear a mask while in the school environment.
  • Students sit in chairs that have been numbered according to attendance with a distance of 1 meter between students.
  • The duration of teaching and learning activities should not be more than the time determined by the government.
  • The number of students in the class should not be more than one-third of the total number of students in the actual class.
  • It is recommended that sports and extracurricular activities be eliminated temporarily. Even if this activity is held, everyone must keep their distance.
  • Students bring their own lunch and are required to wash their hands before eating during recess. Eat and drink during breaks should only be at each table.

In addition, the local government and the task force to accelerate the handling of COVID-19 will also periodically conduct evaluations related to the reopening of face-to-face teaching and learning activities in schools.

Even though later the school will reopen, the government through the Ministry of Education and Culture informs that parents can still coordinate with the school if they feel they are not ready to send their children back to school.

If your child seems unwell, you should not allow him to attend school at first.