Nineteen how to cope with flatulence in the right baby
Bloating stomach problems often befall babies and children, this problem often makes the little ones become more fussy than usual. But mothers do not have to worry, the problem of flatulence in infants can be solved in a simple way.
Generally, when the baby has a problem of flatulence usually it will become more cranky and sometimes it can also make it often cry without any asalan. Basically flatulence in infants aged 3 months this is a natural problem and often occurs in every baby, this happens also because in the digestive tract in the stomach can not function Degan well.
But as time goes by and the age of the child, the problem of flatulence can also be caused by food and beverages that were consumed the first time. Before we proceed to the discussion how to overcome the flatulence in infants, it is good to know the characteristics of flatulence in infants 3 to 7 months.
Characteristics of flatulence in infants
Of course, you already know that the digestive tract of the human body is gas or air. Well, if the gas or air that is in our digestive tract is experiencing significant improvement then this will have a bad impact. If this occurs in adults, naturally the excess gas in the digestion can be easily expensed.But different with babies! Because the baby's body is unable to remove the excess air well in the digestion such as adults and the baby's body should get help to remove the excess air.
The main sign if the baby has a flatulence is fussy and crying without a clear cause. If it happens to your child, then try to check the stomach. If the child's stomach feels hard and exhaust continuously then it can be sure if it is experiencing a flatulence problem. The jam is that there are other characteristics that could indicate that the child is experiencing the problem like:
- Cranky and also crying hysterical when the little flatulence of the baby is severe
- When the mother presses the stomach of the little, her stomach feels very hard
- If your mother's stomach is on the pat, it sounds like there is air sound in her stomach
- The little ones often belch or fart
- Difficulty to defecate
- Bend his back towards the back
- The little man raises his two legs more often while lying
- Causes of flatulence in infants
- In a study, infants will have more frequent flatulence problems when the age of 0 to 3 months and 6 to 12 months. For infants aged 0-3 this month can experience flatulence because the digestive system in his body has not been able to work optimally.
- But different for infants aged 6 to 12 months. Because babies who are already in the age above 6 months, the problem of flatulence can occur because the digestive tract in the body of the child is adapting to the types of food other than maternal milk (ASI).
Below are some causes of infants aged 6 months to over experience a flatulence:
1. Baby Dot
If the baby is still drinking formula milk or other milk through the baby's dot, then it is worth the mother more thoroughly in choosing the dot that fit for her. Because when the dot ends too small, it can make the air become more into the stomach of the baby at the time of drinking milk. If this happens then the little ones will be more susceptible to experiencing flatulence problems.Therefore mothers must be smarter in choosing the dot that is fitting for the little one to avoid the problem of flatulence.
2. Beverages other than breast milk
We also need to know that babies are not encouraged to drink in addition to BREAST milk, formula and white water. This is because the feeding of the juice on the little one can make it experience diarrhea, abdominal pain and flatulence problems. Because the digestive system in the body of the little ones can not work properly.3. Eat and drink while playing
It is normal when the child eats and drinks, there is little air that enters the body. But if the little one is fed and drinking while playing, it can make him eat faster and make the air that goes into his body more and more.These habits can not only trigger the child to have a bloated stomach problem, but this habit can also increase the risk of babies chokes. Therefore, when the mother wants to give him eat or drink should not while taking him to play.
4. Lack of drink
If an infant is deficient in drinking can make it risky to experience constipation. This problem also often follow with abdominal pain as well as flatulence. Therefore mothers are obliged to fulfill the needs of the child breast milk every day. In addition, mothers can also provide mineral water when the child is 6 months old and above.5. Eat cabbage, beans and broccoli
Consuming vegetables is a good thing for little ones. But if it is too excessive, it can be a bad impact for its enlightenment. We recommend that our mothers avoid to give the vegetables of cabbage, nuts and broccoli excessively or often, this is because these three types of vegetables can trigger a flatulence in infants. Try to vary the type of vegetable that the mother wants to give to the little one.6. Consuming fiber foods or containing high fat
Almost all babies have a very sensitive digestive system to certain foods that go into it. For example, foods that contain high fat or foods that contain high sera like cereals that can cause abdominal pain and flatulence.7. Crying for too long
Sure every baby is natural if crying. But if the baby is crying for too long, it can make more air into the stomach through the mouth. Well, it is a matter that also often triggers the problem of flatulence in infants.8. Food consumed by mothers
The problem of flatulence in infants who are still breastfeeding from mothers can occur by foods that are in the consumption of mothers before. Therefore mothers are obliged to pay attention to the food intake every day. It is worth the mother avoid foods that can trigger the formation of gas after the gastrointestinal like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, potato and also onion.9. Types of infant foods consumed
For babies who are 6 months old and above and have started to learn to eat, we should pay attention to the food that the child wants to consume. Eating vegetables is good for babies but if excess vegetables can have a bad impact to the little ones. So the control is always the food that will mother give to the little one.How to prevent abdominal bloating in infants
After that we already know what is the cause of flatulence in infants, then we must be obliged to find out how to prevent the baby from having flatulence. What is it? The Full-breasted review:1. Restrict consumption of fruit and nuts producing gases
When the baby has started to learn to eat, it is best to keep the eating pattern and avoid to give food that can trigger flatulence. Meanwhile, if the child is still breastfeeding, we should avoid or reduce food consumption such as nuts, processed milk such as ice cream, cheese and yogurt and butter. This is because the content of the luktosa in the milk can trigger the formation of excess gas.2. Avoid feeding the dot bottle
We recommend that you avoid giving the baby a bottle, because so we can minimize the air in the stomach. Instead mothers can give breast MILK directly from the breasts when the baby shows signs of flatulence.How to cope with flatulence in infants
Mothers need not worry over excessive when the baby has a flatulence. Because there are several ways that mothers can do to relieve flatulence in infants, including the following:- Preferably when the mother wants to breastfeed or give a baby to eat body in an upright state. But if the little ones have to eat while lying down, try to position the head higher than the stomach of the little ones.
- Put the little ones on top of the mattress with a stretched sleep position. Lift a little up on his leg and his leg movements like riding a bicycle, this will help to remove the air in the stomach of the little ones.
- If the mother lactating the child directly from the breast, then try to mouth the little well attached to the breast of the mother. It is to prevent many air into the stomach of the little ones.
- Give your little stomach a massage slowly by clockwise and do this by the position of the little ones asleep on the mattress.
- If the little lady is breastfeeding through the dot bottle, then try to wear a dot bottle that is able to prevent the onset of air bubbles.
- Put the little ones on the top of the mother's thighs with the abdomen facing down and gently wipe the back. This is to help remove excess air in your child's stomach.
- Give your little milk when he hasn't felt hungry. Because it can minimize the child experiencing flatulence problems. Because when the little ones cry because of hunger, this tends to make the little ones swallow more air.
- To minimize the amount of air entering your child's stomach during meals, try to clean it in a quiet state.
Flatulence in infants that occur constantly or do not heal even though the mother has tried to overcome it in the above way then this could be a sign of the symptoms of more serious digestive problems. If the little ones become increasingly cranky, the difficulties for defecation, vomiting and also fever then it is worth the mother immediately bring the child to the doctor to get a further examination.
So many information that admins can summarize for you about how to cope with flatulence in the right baby, hopefully the above way can help all of you who may be experiencing the problem. Remember always keep your little ones well, because the little one desperately needs the full affection of his parents. Thanks.