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Here are the thirteen benefits of banana for pregnant women

Banana fruit not only has sweetness and beneficial for health but apparently banana fruit also has benefits for pregnant women. This is because the banana fruit has some very important content for the health of pregnant women and also the fetus. One of the benefits that will mother feel is to lower the risk of birth defects babies and overcome the problem of nausea at the beginning of pregnancy.

In the medicine of fruits and vegetables is a food that is very important for pregnant women, because it can help to grow the fetus is being in the bladder. One of the few good fruits for pregnant women is banana, this is because bananas have a lot of nutrients that are good for pregnant women. What are the nutritional content in banana fruit? Here's the explanation:

Nutritional content in banana fruit

The benefits of banana fruit will certainly never escape the variety of nutrient content that is in it. Because in bananas there are a variety of content that is certainly very good for the health of the body and fetus. Here are some content in the banana fruit.

Banana nutritional content per 100 gram

Content of total content

  • Calorie 89 cal
  • Carbohydrate 22, 8g
  • Water 75%
  • Protein 1, 1g
  • Sugar 12, 2g
  • 2, 6g Fibre
  • Fat 0, 3g
  • Vitamin A 3μg
  • Vitamin C 8, 7mg
  • Vitamin D 0μg
  • Vitamin E 0, 1mg
  • Vitamin K 0.5 μg
  • Thiamine 0, 03mg
  • Riboflavin 0, 07MG
  • Niacin 0, 67MG
  • Panthothenic acid 0, 33mg
  • Pyridoxine 0, 37MG
  • Folate 20μg
  • Vitamin B12 0μg
  • Cholin 9, 8mg
  • Calcium 5mg
  • Iron Substance 0, 26mg
  • Magnesium 27mg
  • Phosphorus 22mg
  • Potassium 358mg
  • Sodium 1mg
  • Zinc 0, 15mg
  • Copper 0, 08mg
  • Manganese 0, 27MG
  • Selenium 1μg

Various benefits of banana for pregnant women

At the time of pregnancy, you have to limit the food you will consume and pay attention to the safe food for consumption. Basically, pregnant women are obliged to consume fruits and vegetables on a regular basis, one of them is banana fruit. It is a piece of banana fruit rich in vitamins and minerals.

The following are some of the benefits of banana fruit for pregnant women that will be perceived if in regular consumption:

1. Benefits of banana to lower the risk of infant birth defects

For mothers who are undergoing pregnancy, it is advisable to consume food and nutritious fruit. One of them is by consuming fruit that contains many folic acid. One fruit that has many folic acid in it is banana fruit. The content of folic acid in bananas is needed by pregnant women, because it can prevent birth defects in infants. The intended defect is a defect in the nervous tubes and the brain. And it can happen in the early days of pregnancy 3-4 weeks in the mother of folic acid deficiency.

It is therefore highly recommended for expectant mothers to always consume bananas. In order to reduce the risk of birth defects in the fetus. Well, for mothers who are pregnant can consume about 400 micrograms of folic acid every day.

Apart from consuming banana fruit, folic acid can also be obtained by consuming foods rich in other folic acid, eg salmon, green vegetables, chicken eggs, milk, and others.  Folic acid can also be obtained by consuming the pregnancy supplements that have been prescribed and also recommended by the obstetrician.

2. Benefits of banana as a natural folic acid source

In addition to containing potassium and also has a high fiber, as we often know bananas are also quite rich in folic acid. The benefits of folic acid are important for pregnant women. Folic acid plays an important role in the development of nerves and brain and the bones of the spine. One medium-sized banana fruit usually contains approximately 23.6 micrograms of folic acid. Therefore, in a day try to consume 2 banana fruit, or more also can.

Therefore, consuming bananas will meet the intake of natural folic acid that is needed in the period of fetal development, and also very helpful to maintain the mood of pregnant women. Because the banana fruit can also help reduce nausea during pregnancy.

But it is also recommended for mothers who are in pregnancy so as not to consume bananas excessively because bananas also contain a lot of calories. And if in the body there are calories that too much fear will cause negative effects in the period of pregnancy.

3. Benefits of banana to prevent anemia

The next benefit of banana fruit is to prevent the emergence of anemia. Anemia is the occurrence of a low red blood cell count from the normal amount. Anemia can also be experienced by mothers who are pregnant during pregnancy. It has become a common thing to be experienced during pregnancy. One consequence if there is anemia in pregnancy is anemia that causes complications during the final stages of pregnancy and childbirth.

Therefore we can prevent anemia occur, mother can consume bananas. Why consume bananas? Because in addition to having folic acid, potassium and also calories, bananas also have iron. This iron is sufficient to meet the needs of red blood cells. The iron content on the banana averages 3 percent in 225 grams of bananas. So that iron in banana is able to produce hemoglobin to reduce anemia.

4. Banana benefits to prevent morning sickness

In the early days of pregnancy is often the mother will experience morning sickness, what is morning sickness? Morning sickness is a condition of nausea or vomiting that occurs in the early days of pregnancy. Morning sickness is not only happening on nutrient morning only. But it can happen all day. Which leads to disruption of daily activities. Even in some pregnant women who experience morning sickness too badly should require special medical care.

If the mother is very often experienced morning sickness, mothers can reduce it occurs if consuming banana fruit. Because in the previous discussion bananas can help reduce the nausea that occurs. It is because in the banana fruit contained in Vitamin B6 can help increase the development of the central nervous system cells in the fetus. And also with the right amount of vitamin B6 will reduce morning sickness. The daily amount required to meet vitamin B6 in pregnant women is 1.9 milligrams. So Mothers, no harm to our mother trying to consume the banana fruit to reduce mortic sickness which is mother natural.

5. Benefits of banana to reduce constipation

In addition to the tastes good it turns out who thought this banana fruit has so many benefits. The next benefit that the mother can meet from this banana fruit is that it can reduce constipation. During pregnancy, mothers sometimes experience constipation that causes discomfort in the stomach. , This is due to the slowdown of digestion due to hormonal changes, pressure on the intestines by an enlarged uterus, as well as iron content in prenatal vitamins. And sometimes mothers who experience constipation are not allowed to consume constipation medication.

Now, so that mother is spared from constipation, can try to consume banana fruit on a daily basis. Because on 1 medium sized banana There are about 2.5 grams of fiber. Usually mothers are strongly encouraged to consume fiber as much as 25 to 30 grams per day. And mother can have banana fruit as a source of daily fiber. Undoubtedly by consuming banana fruit routinely constipation of mothers can disappear.

6. Benefits of banana for fetal bone development

Bone development during pregnancy is very important to maintain, by consuming foods that have calcium value. Because it is common knowledge if calcium is very important for the development of bones and also the skeleton system in children even for adults is also very important to still consume foods that contain a lot of calcium.

We can find many fruits that have a lot of calcium, one of them is magic fruit called banana. Because it turns on banana fruit is a rich source of calcium. Therefore, bananas are fruit that must be consumed to help the development of healthy bones of the child's growth. So consume banana fruit regularly.

7. Benefits of banana to maintain blood pressure

When you are in a period of early or late pregnancy, you must have had blood pressure fluctuations. Because fluctuations in blood pressure is one of the other problems that concern pregnant women. How to maintain blood pressure naturally is by doing a healthy diet. The way it is mentioned is one of the best ways to reduce the tension and anxiety that is not needed for pregnant women.

In keeping the blood pressure of banana fruit is also one of the fruits that has an important role. Why so? Because the potassium content contained in the banana fruit helps in maintaining the blood pressure of mothers who are pregnant during pregnancy. Because Banana is a source of potassium, then the banana fruit can also help reduce muscle cramps and leg pain during pregnancy. Therefore mother do not hesitate to consume banana fruit yes.

8. Banana benefits as an energy source

Processed bananas can provide instant energy quickly. One of them is processed instant banana mixed with milk. The banana contains three natural sugars, glucose, sucrose and fructose. Because in bananas also contains sugar as much as 28 grams of sugar in every 225 grams.

Well, so that the sugar content in your body is fulfilled in the mother who faced the last trimester and post childbirth is advised to routinely consume banana fruit. Because it is useful because it contains natural sugar, good banana flavor and easy to digest texture so it is suitable for pregnant women to consume. When the digestive process is also the energy produced can be immediately felt.

9. Benefits of banana to prevent swollen legs in pregnant women

One of the things that is often experienced by pregnant women during their pregnancy is swelling in the legs. This is due to insufficient potassium in the body.  This invention that caused this swelling was discovered by the American Pregnancy Association..

Therefore, by fulfilling the potassium content in the body will help reduce swelling during pregnancy. It is therefore highly recommended for pregnant women to consume foods that contain potassium one of them that is found in bananas. Because in the banana fruit can indeed help prevent and reduce the swelling naturally. And if in fulfillment of potassium is fulfilled, the swelling experienced during pregnancy can be reduced. But don't forget to keep an eye on pre-Eklamasia's swelling.

Aside from banana fruit, mother can also utilize green coconut water. Because green coconut water is good for pregnant women and can help reduce swelling.

10. Benefits of banana as a natural protein source

The banana fruit is rich in protein, very good in consumption during pregnancy. Proteins that serve as a source of calories as well as good for the formation of antibodies to the fetus and mother. The natural Protein in bananas is about 2.5 grams per 225 grams of bananas.

If the mother wants to get more protein, can consume banana with oatmeal. Because with mixed bananas with oatmeal is very good for pregnant women.

Mothers are advised to always pay attention to nutrient intake on body. Because if the mother is deficient in protein it can cause the risk of birth baby with cleft lips.

11. Benefits of bananas to ward off free radicals

Mothers should also always maintain vitamin C intake on the body. Because it is highly recommended for pregnant women to consume foods that contain vitamin C about 80-85 mg per day.

Vitamin C contained in bananas is very good as an antioxidant to ward off free radicals in the body. In addition, the benefits of vitamin C on bananas can form collagen in bones, cartilage, skin, blood vessels and muscles. It also has benefits that can help repair tissues and wound healing.

12. Banana benefits to relieve leg cramps in pregnant women

If the mother is very often experienced cramps in the leg during pregnancy, you are recommended to remain routine to consume foods that contain potassium substances. Therefore if the mother wants to fulfill the substance of potassium in the body in the pregnancy is directly consumption of banana. Because the content of potassium in the banana can help relieve leg cramps are quite often complained of pregnant women.

The benefits of bananas in addition to containing potassium that is good for the body and fetus, potassium can also to maintain balance of electrolytes as well as muscle and nerve work on the body.

13. Benefits of banana to maintain digestive health

Very often we encounter women during pregnancy and stomach upset and also gastrointestinal disorder. Sometimes it will cause the fetus in the uterus in its growth period will more often be stressful. Therefore, it is recommended for pregnant women to eat healthy foods.

This time the banana benefits are great for maintaining your digestive health. Because bananas contain antacids that will suppress acid secretion in the body. Bananas are also rich in pectin that can help normalize digestion in intestinal morttility. So that digestion in your body is normal again.

Good banana type for pregnant women

Of course, there are many varieties of banana fruit that we can find in Indonesia. But for pregnant women, not all bananas can be consumed because there are some types of bananas that are not good for pregnant women and some types of bananas can have a bad impact to the health of pregnant women and the fetus.

Therefore, pregnant women are obliged to know the types of bananas that are safe to consume so as not to harm the health and growth of fetus. Well, here are some types of bananas that are safe for pregnant women consumption:

  • Banana Jackfruit
  • Banana Horn
  • Banana milk
  • Banana Kepok
  • Banana King Citronella
  • Banana Ambon

Banana side effects for pregnant women

Although there are many nutrients in the banana that is good for health and pregnant women, but the mother should also know that the content in the banana fruit can also affect the health of bad. One of the content in the banana fruit that must be a mother beware of carbohydrates.

Banana fruit has a very high carbohydrate content and able to increase blood sugar levels. So for mothers who have gestational diabetes problems before and during pregnancy, you should avoid consuming the banana fruit excessively. This is because it can have a bad impact on the health of the body and fetus.

The following are some of the problems that often occur when pregnant mothers who suffer from gestational diabetes consume excessive bananas:

  • At risk for premature childbirth.
  • Experiencing preeclampsia.
  • The possibility of giving birth to a larger Caesar.
  • It is risky to give birth with tools, for example with the help of vacuum, forcep, and so on.
  • At risk of vaginal hole skin Tear (perineum) is greater when giving birth normally.
  • Have the opportunity to experience infection during pregnancy becomes larger, for example vaginal discharge or other postnatal infections.

The problem of diabetes experienced by pregnant women can be a trigger for various health problems in the fetus that is in content such as infants born with low body weight, premature birth, miscarriage and sudden infant death in Content. Therefore, cadre can not consume banana fruit excessively especially for gold banana and ambon that is not mature.

The main obligation of pregnant women is to maintain diet, because pregnant women should not consume food. This aims to keep the health of the child awake until the birth and finish breastfeeding. The more information the admin can boast about the benefits of bananas for expectant mothers and hopefully the above information is beneficial to cadre everything. Thanks.