Causes and how to cope with the correct skin yeast infection

Surely almost everyone has experienced a skin infection that occurs because of mushrooms. Fungal infections of the skin can occur regardless of age, male or female and this type of skin disease is also very common in society. Therefore, let's find out what is the cause and how to cope with the correct skin yeast infection,
The skin infections that are caused by this fungus is a very common disease in the community and perhaps from you have ever encountered this problem. For a mild fungal infection, it will usually only cause a rash on the part of the skin that has an infection. As explained by the doctor if the rash on the skin is still relatively harmless, but the rash can cause itching and interfere with our appearance.
According to some studies, mushrooms are primitive organisms that many live in the environment around us such as in the air, soil and also in the water. But some of these types of mushrooms are able to live in the human body as well as animals. Eating from this can be the cause of a person experiencing fungal infections on the outside of the body like the skin and also nails.
For those who are very active in motion and often sweating will be more often exposed to fungal infections of the skin, especially for those who are not careful in maintaining the cleanliness of themselves. People who have a history of diabetes disease are more at risk of getting skin yeast infections than normal people.
Types of skin yeast infections
In the medical world mentions there are several types of yeast infections that often occur among the community regardless of age. Well, here are some types of yeast infections that are common in people:1. Panu (tinea versicolor)
Panu is a type of yeast infection that attacks the upper layer of skin. That is usually caused by Malassezia yeast infection. With the appearance of skin stains that are scaly and cause different colors with skin tone, if infected, it will arise itching that radiating. Body parts are most often attacked by Panu usually on the back, chest, neck and even arm parts. Panu often also appears moist areas and often sweating the body. Itching that spreads when exposed to the Panu sometimes also makes it uncomfortable, but Panu also makes the sufferer feel unconfident.2. Diaper rash (diaper rash)
Diaper rash is a common skin irritation in infants, one of the causes is a yeast infection Candida albicans. Diaper rash is often due to baby's sensitive skin on diaper use, be it a cloth diaper or disposable diapers. If the use of diapers is too long it will cause moisture, if the diaper is too moist due to too much pee or too much feces and if the baby is active and the friction of friction on the moist area is Will elicit irritation and reddish-coloured spots. It is one of the signs that your baby is being infected with a diaper rash.3. Candidiasis
The next yeast infection is a candidiasis infection caused by an infection of the Candida mushroom. This is a type of skin yeast infection that can attack a number of damp areas, such as armpit, groin, between fingers, breast fold areas, and abdominal folds. Some even attack the genital part of your body. The emergence of this infection is usually because the immune system in the body is too weak and in decline, this yeast infection often occurs in women who are experiencing pregnancy, people who suffer from diabetes, people who have AIDS or HIV.4. Ringworm (tinea)
Ringworm disease is usually caused by a yeast infection, this type of yeast infection can be contagious, either directly or indirectly. These ringworm infections commonly appear in various areas of the body, such as in the Body (tinea corporis), scalp (tinea capitis), groin (tinea cruris), or in the legs (tinea pedis). The first thing we can see from this ringworm infection is the appearance of a reddish rash on the skin as well as a bit scaly. For example, you can be infected directly through physical contact between people, or can indirectly through objects that have been contaminated with the fungus. In addition, transmission can also occur due to contact with infected animals, as well as with soil containing mushroom spores.5. Nail Fungus (tinea unguium)
This nail fungus infection is caused by dermatophyte fungi and also candida fungus. This infection appears in the nail of the hand and in the legs. Just like ringworm, this nail fungus can also be contagious. With the hallmark of a yellowish white point, either it appears at the end of the nail or in the thumb nail. If your nails are infected with nail fungus, the nail slowly changes color, thickened and easily destroyed. Although not too dangerous but you should not be afraid to have it checked in to the doctor.Causes of skin fungus infections
In a study mentions that the cause of fungal infections of the most aged skin occurs in people is a type of Candida mushroom, Dermatophyta and Malassezia. Well, this type of mushroom is the main cause of a person experiencing infections of the skin. Here are some of the causes of skin yeast infections caused by 3 types of fungi above:1. Panu
A panu disease caused by an excessive Malassezia yeast infection in the skin. It has not been known what causes this mushroom to develop and cause infections of the body. But according to the experts who relate it to a number of factors, such as damp weather, hot weather resulting in excessive sweating, oily skin, hormonal changes, and a weak immune system. But there are some cases of diseases that arise as a result of the transmission of other people, eg we borrow clothes or towels from people who have previously been infected with the yeast infection2. Diaper rash
The fungus Candida albicans often develops in a humid area. For example, in the use of baby diapers that are too long and moisture-causing, it causes Candida albicans to infect areas of the baby's wet body due to urine or feces. Besides the emergence of diaper rash due to the use of moist diapers there are several other factors, allergic to new foods, allergies to antibiotic medications. A rash can also arise when the baby's skin is scraping due to friction when wearing a diaper that is too tight and moist. There are even factors from exposure to chemical substances from detergent can irritate the baby's skin and cause a rash.3. Ringworm
Ringworm infections are usually caused by Dermatophyta fungi. This fungus can be found in keratin, a protein found in the skin, nails, and hair. We can find some kind of Dermatophyta that can cause ringworm on your body skin. The types of fungi that also often cause ringworm are Epidermophyton, Microsporum, and Trichophyton. This type of mushroom commonly lives naturally on the skin and does not pose any problems to the body. However, if this type of mushroom develops over time, it will cause ringworm on the skin. Well usually this ringworm disease will appear if our surroundings are very humid and self-hygiene and cleanliness around not awake.4. Candidiasis
Candidiasis infections appear on the body due to Candida yeast infection. These mushrooms commonly live naturally in the skin, but if the fungus grows uncontrollably it can cause infection. These conditions can be caused by several factors, such as:Excessive weight
- The hot weather makes a lot of sweating.
- Skin conditions that are too humid or wet during the rainy season.
- Often wear very tight clothes.
- Rarely do not even like to maintain the cleanliness of the body and surroundings.
- Often use certain types of medications, such as antibiotics or corticosteroids.
- Does not maintain immune system in the body so the immune weakening
- Nail Fungus
- Nail fungus infections are almost the same as ringworm infections in the body, which is very easy to infectious. Dermatophyta fungi that often cause a nail fungus infection will deteriorate if it develops too excessively. Infections can occur through the use of manicure or pedicure tools in the salon, which are not being sterilised after use in others.
There are a wide range of factors that can increase nail fungus infections are diabetes, injuries to nails or skin around the nails, immune system in a weak body, and the use of fake nails. Another factor is the long-term humid conditions of the feet, such as the use of a shoe type covering the toes for a long time. Ages over 65 years old can also be one of the triggering factors of nail fungus infections.
How to solve a true skin yeast infection
The way to cope with the most primary fungal skin infections is using antifungal drugs such as topical antifungals (oles) or other creams and ointments. Basically this antifungal drug will work by damaging the cell wall of the mushroom so this will make the cell of the mushroom die. However there are also several types of medications that work by inhibiting the growth of mushroom cells on the skin.In the medical world there are several types of drugs that are quite potent in addressing the problem of skin yeast infections namely:
Topical antifungal drugs
- This type of medication is usually an ointment and the way it is used is by applying directly to the skin or nails affected by the fungal infection evenly.
- Oral antifungal drugs.
- For this type of medicine will usually be a capsule, Pila tau also often form liquid. This medication is usually often administered when a yeast infection is extensive and can not be treated with topical fungal drugs above.
- Both types of drugs you can get at the nearest pharmacy in your city. Before you use the medication, you should consult your doctor to check how severe yeast infections occur in your skin. Because there are several types of skin yeast infections that require special treatment or medication.
How to prevent fungal infections of the skin
In fact the prevention of fungal infections on the skin can be done in a few simple ways, but this way usually depends on the type of infection that occurs in the skin. Well, below are some simple ways to prevent a skin yeast infection that you can do at home:1. Prevention of Panu
If you want to prevent the emergence of panu in the body it can be prevented by keeping the skin dry while in the damp or hot area. In addition, do not share too often with towels, clothes, and beds with others. Because if the person suffers from a panu. So these things can cause you to be infected with your panu too.Because through research conducted by several divisions of health about this panu shows the Panu will relapse in 40-60 percent of sufferers who successfully recovered. If you do not want to experience the problem then you can do skin treatment using shampoo with a selenium sulfide content, can be done every 2 weeks. Another step that can be done is to avoid exposure to sunlight for a long time and not to do activities that trigger excessive sweating. Therefore keep the cleanliness of yourself, the environment and keep the health.
2. Diaper Rash Prevention
To prevent diaper rash in infants and your loved ones, do not put diapers too tight on babies. And do not forget to make diapers if it is full, it is even advisable to let babies occasionally wear diapers. Always clean the baby's butt with water every diaper changing, then dry with a soft towel. Do not let the diaper too moist, because if there is friction, irritation will arise. And it will cause discomfort in your baby and he will be fussy. And also avoid using alcohol or perfume as baby butt cleaners. In order not to appear other allergies anymore.3. Prevention of Candidiasis
If you want to prevent the emergence of infections of the fungus candidiasis in the mouth then the prevention that you have to do is to maintain oral hygiene, among them by brushing teeth or using regular dental floss. Any gargle finish using the inhaler corticosteroids are also advised to avoid candidiasis infections.If you want to prevent the emergence of candidiasis infections that appear on your vagina, it should be done as a step to prevent it by avoiding the use of strict clothing. Do not use the underwear of any material that is less absorbed, such as nylon and polyester. Instead, use cotton-made underwear that absorbs sweat easily, so that your vaginal part is spared from moisture.
And do not forget to avoid the use of soap or feminine cleanser that contains deodorizer, the deodorizer can usually cause irritation and interfere with the acidity level of the vagina. Simply clean the outside of the vagina with water and mild soap without routine detergent content.
4. Ringworm Prevention
To prevent the infection of ringworm to appear on the body is to maintain routine body hygiene, and do not forget to avoid using the goods together such as: toothbrush, soap, towel, or clothing. In addition, avoid direct contact with infected people or animals, especially for someone who has a weakened immune system.In addition to body, care and hygiene of the scalp with a routine of shampooing, use a shampoo that does not have harsh chemicals, to avoid head ringworm.
To prevent the ringworm from appearing in the legs, the way to do is to wash the foot with soap every time after returning from traveling. Do not forget to directly dry the feet, especially on the sidelines of the fingers using a dry towel. Don't forget not to share the use of socks and shoes with others, and the latter always wear sandals at the public facilities.
Step to do other precautions to avoid the ringworm is to dry or drying the shoe every time it is worn. To avoid damp conditions on the shoes, which triggers the development of mushrooms. Use cotton or wool socks, and immediately replace them when wet to avoid moisture on the feet
5. Prevention of Nail fungus
Prevention that can be done to prevent the infection of the attacking nail fungus is still always keep the nails short. Because if we have short nails it will be easier to clean and can avoid injury. To avoid and prevent nail fungus is to not share manicure and pedicure tools, reduce the use of fake nails and nail dyes, and always use footwear outside the house. Moreover, always dry your feet when wet, especially in the sidelines of the fingers using a dry cloth/lap.So many information that we can summarize, hopefully with the above information about the causes and how to overcome fungal infections of the skin can be beneficial to all of you. Thanks.