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Recommended Yoga Poses for Breastfeeding Mothers

Stiffness is one of the complaints that breastfeeding mothers often experience. To overcome this, can Busui you know doing yoga exercise. Then, what kind of yoga poses can Busui do?

The improper breastfeeding position sometimes made Busui's neck, shoulders, and backache. Not to mention the erratic length of time your little one breastfeeds can also aggravate aches. This stiff feeling can certainly interfere with daily activities and make Busui uncomfortable

Busui, Overcome Aches with This Yoga Pose

There are some yoga poses that can relax a nursing mother's body, especially in the neck, shoulders, and back. Well, here are 5 yoga poses that are recommended for breastfeeding mothers:

1. Sphinx pose

To do this yoga pose, position your body on your stomach on a yoga mat or mattress with the back of your feet touching the floor. After that, lean on your forearms to lift your upper body. Lower your shoulders and lean your chest forward, pressing your arms down.

Make sure that Busui's neck is kept straight, while the stomach area is down against the mattress or mattress. Breathe in this position for at least 5 deep breaths. Apart from overcoming aches, this yoga pose can also prevent and treat headaches.

2. Restorative heart-opening pose

Busui needs to use a rolling pillow or a relatively thick pillow as a buffer to do this pose. First, place the busui of choice Busui on the yoga masters, then lie down and position the buffer on the upper back. After that, stretch your arms over your head.

The position of the legs in this pose can be flexible. The lather can stretch your legs or bend your knees upward. If Busui also feels achy in the pelvic area, Busui can bend his knees to the side with the soles of his feet together to stretch the muscles in that area.

3. Bridge pose ( Setu Bandha Sarvangasana )

Lie on a yoga mat, then bend your knees upward. Keep your hands at your sides with your palms flat on the floor. After that, lift Busui's hips slowly with your palms and soles as support. Hold this position for about 1 minute. If you find it difficult, Busui can put a support in the form of a pillow or bolster right at the boundary between the lower back and buttocks.

4. Half boat pose ( Parsva Navasana )

Start in a sitting position on the mat with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Extend your hands in front of your chest and tilt your body back. Slowly, lift your feet off the floor and align your calves with the floor, so that Busui's thighs and body form a "V" letter. Keep Busui's spine straight, OK.

5. Downward facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Yoga poses that this one is not difficult, really, Busui. First, place your palms and knees on the floor with your knees just below your hips and palms just below your shoulders. Slowly, lift the buttocks of the Busui until the arms and legs are straight and the body forms an inverted "V".

Hold this position for a few moments, then repeat a few times. Apart from overcoming soreness and stretching the spine, this yoga pose can also help improve Busui's balance and strength.

Those are 5 yoga poses that Busui can do to treat aches. Busui freely, really, choose any pose that is comfortable to do. Make sure Busui does it regularly so that you get maximum results. If you are confused, Busui can look for pictures or videos on the yoga pose guides on the internet.

Apart from yoga, Busui can also try other sports that are suitable for breastfeeding mothers, such as walking, swimming, or pilates. You need to know, exercise will not change nutrition or the amount of breast milk, so don't hesitate to do it, yes.

If the stiffness doesn't go away or it gets worse, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will conduct an examination and determine the right treatment according to Busui's health condition.