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Eight Ways to Prevent Your Hearing Loss

Spelled out if you feel the need to increase the volume of music? It could be due to any reason, either your age or your habit of listening to loud music. We also agree that driving with a destination that is far away with loud music is something that can be fun, however, but believe us that it will not be fun for too long.

Ultimately, this habit can fairly put you at risk of hearing loss. The worst part about hearing loss is that this condition cannot be treated. Once affected, you cannot return to normal conditions. Usually occurs due to two causes namely age and loud noise exposure. Right now the hearing loss that is caused by age is something that you really can't ignore but the noise that is caused by sound can be prevented. There are some simple preventive steps that can save you the trouble of raising the volume or asking people around you to be harder.

How to Prevent Your Hearing Loss

1. Avoid loud noises

Now this doesn't need to be said anymore. Loud noise is the main reason that is responsible or hearing loss caused by noise. For this, try to avoid loud noise as much as possible. Try to avoid rock concerts, jet engines, loud crackers, explosives, clubs or places where there is too much noise.

2. Use the Hearing Protection

Sometimes, you are unable to avoid loud noises. In this condition, you can take precautions to protect your ears by wearing earplugs. The small hair cells in your ear are very sensitive to loud noises. Once they are damaged, you may suffer from permanent hearing loss.

3. Turn off the volume

Drive fast, pleasant weather, and loud music, what else can be expected! Yeah, we know this is an absolute happiness, but music might not please your ears. Listen to music but don't be so loud that your ears fail to pick up sound. Also, when buying equipment such as blenders, dryers, food processors, and vacuum cleaners, try to choose one that has a low decibel level. They contribute to hearing problems too.

4. Avoid Putting Something In Your Ear

Follow these simple practical rules, not putting anything in your ear. Grandma usually pours a little oil into her ear but you can't do that. Also, avoid piercing foreign objects into your ears. This includes earbuds or even your fingers. Even if your goal is to clean it, this habit will not benefit your ears.

5. Don't Delay Ear Infection Treatment

Otitis media is an ear infection that occurs in the middle ear. This infection is common in children but can occur in adults as well. These infections are fairly likely to occur frequently which is why they should not be avoided. Always get an appropriate treatment for ear infections because there are several infections that contribute to hearing loss.

6. Avoid smoking

As we know that smoking is not at all good for your overall health. For your ears, this habit can cause hearing loss. Tobacco in cigarettes is a contributing factor to hearing loss. So if you want to enjoy the enchanting sounds around you for the rest of your life, stop smoking now.

7. Healthy Eating Pattern

Strangely enough, eating foods that are considered unhealthy and unbalanced contribute to hearing loss. Recent studies have shown that a poor diet contributes to hearing loss.

8. Avoid Earphones, Use Headphones Instead

An audio device is one of the most important causes when it comes to hearing loss. Earbuds in your earphones are more dangerous because when near the eardrum, so it is more dangerous. So the choice is somewhat safer is the headphones. However, you must also remember that this also exposes you to the risk of hearing loss. So make a new rule, headphones only 60 minutes a day with a volume of only 60%, for the good and comfort of your ears.

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