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You like drinking coffee? This is the health benefit of drinking plain black coffee

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Coffee is a mandatory and favorite drink for people in Indonesia. Did you know that drinking black coffee provides many health benefits.

Coffee is one of the favorite drinks in the country. In fact, not a few people must drink coffee before starting their activities in the morning. Not surprisingly, drinking coffee can improve mood and relieve drowsiness.

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There are many ways to make coffee taste better, namely coffee mixed with milk or coffee mixed with ice. Generally, coffee fans are young people.

However, not a few people prefer to drink black coffee without being mixed with sugar or milk.

Even though it tastes bitter, it turns out plain black coffee has many benefits for the health of the body.

Quoted from the House of Arabica, there are 11 benefits that can be obtained by coffee lovers without sugar.

Are you curious? Here are the benefits of drinking black coffee without sugar for health.

1. Improve memory

This was conveyed by the researchers, who stated that those who drank sugarless coffee every day had better memories. One of them is in a study through games that involve memory, black coffee drinkers emerge as the winner with better memory results.

2. Educate

Sugar-free coffee can block a neurotransmitter called “adenosine”. When this caffeine adenosine, the activation of the brain nerves will increase, helping to release beneficial neurotransmitters. In essence, caffeine improves brain function.

3. Contains antioxidants

Coffee is known to be one of the largest sources of antioxidants. These antioxidants are referred to as quinines.

Quinines can help a person in dealing with various health problems. Other antioxidants in coffee are hydrocinnamic acid and polyphenols. They can fight free radicals in the body.

4. Increase focus and alertness

Black coffee activates neurotransmitters in the brain, because caffeine stimulates the heart and metabolism of the drinker. With this, the focus of the brain will increase which will automatically increase your alertness.

5. Contains vitamins and minerals

Vitamins contained in black coffee, for example B2, B3, and B5. There is also manganese, potassium, and magnesium.

All of them are important for optimal functioning of body organs. For example, vitamin B2 in producing energy, nutrients such as potassium and magnesium also play a role in controlling blood pressure.

6. Clean the stomach

Drinking coffee without sugar can remove bacteria and toxins from the stomach.

These bacteria and toxins are excreted in the urine when a person urines. Black coffee also helps stop the growth of bad parasites that can cause stomach health problems.

7. Helps you lose weight

Black coffee can increase the body’s metabolism, making it good for consumption before or after exercise. Coffee served in this carar can also help burn fat so that it helps you lose weight.

8. Maintain the liver

Black coffee can help reduce the risk of cirrhosis by up to 80 percent. Cirrosis is the term for chronic liver damage.

9. Minimizing the risk of heart disease

As mentioned earlier, black coffee can increase a person’s metabolism. This can prevent the buildup of fat and cholesterol that causes clogged arteries.

The reason is, if the arteries become blocked it can trigger a heart attack. Black coffee also reduces inflammation in the body which is another cause of cardiovascular disease.

10. Reducing the risk of diabetes

Drinking black coffee can minimize a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This fact is shown in a study from Harvard, that coffee drinkers have an 11 percent lower chance of developing type 2 diabetes.

That applies to people who consume black coffee more than 1 cup a day.

11. Help prevent cancer

By drinking two cups of black coffee every day can prevent cancer, because coffee has anti-cancer properties that will minimize the risk of growing these deadly disease cells.

Meanwhile, the article on the heart.org page also confirms the benefits presented by a glass of black coffee.

Black coffee can actually make consumers awake, increase metabolism and reduce the risk of a number of diseases.

Not only that, black coffee can provide energy, lose weight, and improve focus.

The caffeine content in coffee can improve mood, help the brain work better, and increase stamina during exercise.

Coffee is an ingredient that is a source of antioxidants that can help protect cells from damage.

Conversely, if a cup of coffee is too much mixed with other ingredients, such as creamer and sugar, it can eliminate the benefits that can be obtained.

“We know sugar has side effects. Even if you add sugar according to your calorie needs, you are still eliminating some of the benefits of coffee, because sugar is a negative food ingredient,” said Penny Kris-Etherton, professor of nutrition at Penn State University. Luthfia Ayu Azanella)

Also Read: This is the good and bad effect of drinking coffee every day, coffee fans must know

This article was published on Kompas.com with the title “11 Benefits You Can Get from a Cup of Black Coffee”