– Kedondong, a fruit that has this taste is quite popular in the community. The fruit, whose scientific name is Respondias Dulcis, is often used as salad or processed into pickles. Its refreshing taste makes this fruit, which is easily found in tropical areas, is very popular with all people.
This yellowish green fruit is a source of fiber needed by the body. Behind the sour and refreshing taste, kedondong fruit has several ingredients that are useful for maintaining a healthy body and preventing various diseases.
Launching from Healthbenefit, kedondong fruit contains vitamins C, B, and A which are needed by the body. In addition, this fruit also contains important minerals such as iron and phosphorus which are good for young pregnant women to consume. Even so, kedondong fruit can cause pregnancy problems if consumed in excess.
So, what are the benefits of kedondong for pregnant women? Check out the independent reports from Healthbenefit following:
Prevent Anemia

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Anemia is a disease characterized by symptoms of shortness of breath, dizziness, and headaches. Anemia can occur due to conditions that the red blood cell count is lower than normal. In addition, this disease is also caused because there is not enough hemoglobin in the red blood cells, so this can make the body not get enough blood.
However, don’t worry, because anemia can be prevented by eating kedondong fruit. The reason is, kedondong fruit contains iron which can make hemoglobin levels increase, so this is very good for anemia sufferers.
In addition, kedondong fruit also contains ingredients that can produce red blood, so this can help oxygenation.
Relieves Cough
The benefits of kedondong for the next pregnant woman are to relieve coughs. The content of vitamin C in kedondong functions as an antioxidant which plays an important role in strengthening the body’s immune system. So, eating dondong regularly can help cure coughs and colds.
Increase Immunity

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Another benefit of consuming kedondong fruit for pregnant women is that it increases the body’s immune system. The nutritional content of amino acids in kedondong fruit plays an important role in maintaining the body’s digestive system. In addition, the nutritional content of kedondong has an effective function to improve all growth processes in the body.
Maintain Eye Health
Kedondong fruit is also very suitable for people who have eye health problems. The reason is, some of the ingredients in kedondong fruit are believed to be effective in helping to inhibit the growth of human cytochrome P450.
In addition, the beta-carotene content in kedondong fruit can also prevent macular degeneration, so it will protect the eyes from various kinds of dangerous disorders. It is enough by consuming kedondong fruit regularly, your eye health will always be maintained.
Overcoming Itching
The benefits of kedondong fruit for other pregnant women are overcoming itching. During pregnancy, the body’s condition is sensitive and changes easily due to hormonal changes. Kedondong fruit contains antioxidants which play an important role in keeping the skin healthy and reducing the risk of allergies during pregnancy.
In addition, kedondong fruit can also increase collagen production and increase collagen production, so it can maintain skin beauty. The benefits of this kedondong fruit can be obtained by consuming it regularly and in moderation.