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The benefits of papaya masks and how to make them

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Not only is it effective in smoothing the digestive system, papaya can also improve skin health. You can use this natural ingredient as a mask. The vitamin and mineral content in papaya masks provide many benefits for your skin condition.

Quoting from Stylecraze (stylecraze.com), there are several benefits that you can get from a papaya mask. First, the potassium in papaya is able to hydrate the skin well. That way, the skin will not look dull.

Second, papaya contains antibacterial and antifungal properties that can prevent and treat acne. Third, papaya stimulates collagen production. This means that the skin will feel softer and supple.

Not only that, papaya can also be used as an exfoliating agent that can clean dead skin cells. To get these benefits, you can make a papaya mask by combining it with other natural ingredients.

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Papaya and Milk

As has been said, papaya works to moisturize the skin. On the other hand, folic acid from milk can act as a natural exfoliant of dead skin cells. However, you need to be careful if you are allergic to dairy products.

The trick, mix ½ crushed papaya with 1 tablespoon honey and 2 teaspoons milk. If you are allergic to milk, replace milk by increasing the portion of honey. Stir the mixture until it forms a paste. You can use this papaya mask one to two times a week.

Papaya, Honey and Lemon

Papaya, lemon, and honey masks can clean pore-clogging dirt.

If your skin gets acne prone, Stylecraze recommends a mask made with papaya, honey and lemon. The vitamin C in lemon can clean the dirt that clogs pores. In addition, the size of the pores can shrink due to the astringent in the lemon.

First, crush ½ papaya until smooth then mix with 1 tsp honey and 1 tsp lemon juice. Apply the papaya mask on the face and neck and let it dry for 10 to 15 minutes then rinse with water. You can use this material once every three or four days.

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Papaya, Cucumber and Banana

The combination of natural ingredients that effectively moisturizes and brightens the skin comes from papaya, cucumber, and banana. Not only that, the appearance of pimples can also be reduced. The ingredients you need to prepare are 1/4 cup papaya, 1/4 cup banana, and 1/2 cucumber.

Mix all the ingredients. You can use a blender to make it easier. After forming a paste, apply it to the face and neck and let it sit for 15 minutes. You can rinse it first with warm water then continue with cold water. Use this papaya mask once a week.

Editor: Belladina Biananda