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Only drinking sugar cane regularly, the body can feel these 5 benefits, one of which is to overcome jaundice

5 benefits of drinking sugarcane water for health

Photo by Anna Tarazevich from Pexels

5 benefits of drinking sugarcane water for health

Bobo.id – Friends of course know what sugar is, right? However, do you know where sugar comes from?

Sugar can come from several plants, one of the most commonly used is sugarcane.

Sugarcane is a plant from the grass family. The part that is used to make sugar is the stem.

Besides being made into sugar, sugarcane stalks can also be ground and produce sugarcane juice that is ready to drink.

Do you know? it turns out that sugarcane juice has various benefits for our health. Anything? Find out, let’s!

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1. Increase Energy

Quoting from Netmeds.com, sugarcane is a source of intake that can increase the body’s energy.

In addition to increasing energy, sucrose in sugarcane is also able to control the amount of glucose in the body, overcome fatigue, and hydrate the body properly.

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2. Overcoming Bad Breath

The next benefit of sugarcane that can be felt is its ability to overcome bad breath.

Phosphorus and minerals in sugar cane can strengthen tooth enamel so that one of the causes of bad breath, namely tooth decay, can be prevented.

3. Overcoming Jaundice

Apart from strengthening tooth enamel, the nutritional content in sugar cane can also strengthen our liver.

That’s why sugarcane juice is said to be good for treating jaundice.

As we know, jaundice is influenced by decreased liver function.

This is what causes high levels of bilirubin in the blood and jaundice.

4. Maintain the Digestive System

One of the benefits of sugarcane is to maintain our body’s digestive system.

The potassium contained in sugarcane is useful for treating constipation and preventing stomach infections.

Try to consume sugar cane regularly to get this benefit.

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5. Maintain Healthy Skin

If you want to have healthy skin, try to treat it regularly by drinking sugarcane water.

Netmeds.com said that sugarcane can treat acne, brighten, soften the face, and much more.

That benefit actually comes from alpha hydroxy acid which is widely contained in sugarcane.

If we consume sugarcane regularly, the skin tone will look brighter, healthier, and well maintained.

(Author: Anjar Saputra)

Also read: Safe for diabetes sufferers, this plant can be a sugar substitute


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