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4 The best benefits of rose water for health

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. There are many benefits of rose water that can be felt on the skin and other parts of the body. This is because this natural ingredient contains many antioxidants, vitamins and other nutrients. Various kinds of diseases and other health conditions can be treated with rose water.

Has anti-inflammatory

Quoting from FragaranceX (fragarancex.com), rose water contains anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve inflammation. Care or make up products that contain rose water can reduce irritation because they have many phenols.

In addition to reducing irritation, phenol substances are also able to prevent the growth of cancer cells. You can use rose water by drinking it or using a lotion or cream made from rose water.

Also Read: How to make rose water that is very easy to try

Moisturizes and balances skin pH

The average pH of human skin is 4.7, while rose water has a pH of 5. When using rose water, the skin’s pH condition is balanced. This means that the skin looks healthier and brighter. You can spray rose water on your skin after every shower.

Apart from balancing the pH of the skin, the benefits of rose water also affect skin moisture. Rose water contains hydrosols which can reduce excess oil production, but still maintain skin moisture.

Editor: Belladina Biananda