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The benefits and consequences of participating in credit restructuring due to corona

ILLUSTRATION. Customers make transactions at Bank Mandiri, Jakarta, Friday (24/4/2020)

Reporter: Dina Mirayanti Hutauruk | Editor: Noverius Laoli

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The corona virus pandemic (Covid-19) has hit various businesses and made many bank debtors begin to have difficulty paying installments.

Banks have also begun to aggressively restructure loans, providing relief for customers so that they do not turn into non-performing loans. Moreover, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) has relaxed the restructuring rules for customers affected by the pandemic.

Fordanta, a customer of Bank BRI, admitted that he had just received an offer for relaxation of Unsecured Loans (KTA) through a program entitled BRI Loan Installment Policy (KRETAP).

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The program is in the form of postponing principal installments and only paying interest for 3 months, namely in May, June, July and will also increase the loan tenor for six months.

However, Fordanta is not yet interested in registering. The reason was that the additional credit tenor was too long while principal payments were only delayed for six months.

“But for those who are already tight cashflowher, this helps. At least they can breathe by only paying interest, “he said to KONTAN, Wednesday (28/4).

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Lani Darmawan, Consumer Director of CIMB Niaga said, credit restructuring for company customers affected by Covid-19 is offered in several schemes. There are delays in paying interest, extending tenors, decreasing interest, delays in paying installments, and so on.

These schemes basically provide relief to customers for the next 12 months according to OJK regulations. “Meanwhile, the interest and principal still have to be paid,” he explained.

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