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Amazing! This is the benefit of regular walking for your health

KONTAN.CO.ID – Regular walking exercise seems to have a positive impact on body health. This type of exercise can be a solution for those of you who don’t like jogging or others.

There are various sports trends and come and go. Starting from aerobic exercise, taebo, zumba, poundfit, bootcamp, crossfit, cycling, running marathons, triathlons and so on.

For those who are not interested in all of these physical activities, there are easier walking alternatives so you can keep exercising.

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Apart from being free of charge, the benefits of walking for health cannot be doubted. Walking is one of the most practical and healthiest sports. Let’s look at the goodness for health below:

Burn calories

Like running, walking is also a type of cardio exercise. So, this activity can be done with the aim of burning calories.

The number of calories burned will increase by 100-300 calories if you walk quickly, over long distances with a duration of more than 30 minutes, and on uphill terrain.

Strengthens the heart

Walking every day for at least 30 minutes can reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease by 19 percent. You can also increase this benefit by gradually increasing the distance you walk.
Strengthen bones and joints Walking includes sports that support the weight of your own body. Therefore, this activity is beneficial in maintaining bone strength and preventing osteoporosis.

The benefits of walking can also help protect the joints in the knees and hips, by triggering joint lubrication and strengthening the muscles around those joints.

Increase energy

Another benefit of walking is that it reduces fatigue and increases energy. The reason is, walking can increase oxygen flow throughout the body and increase levels of cortisol, epinephrine, and noepinephrine. All three are regulators of energy levels in the body.
Increase immunity

Routine walking is also able to increase immunity against minor ailments. For example, coughs, colds, and flu.

In a particular study that looked at a thousand participants, researchers found that those who regularly walked for 30 to 45 minutes a day had up to 43 percent less pain time than those who never exercised. Even if sick, people who regularly walk will recover faster.

Lowering blood sugar levels

The benefits of walking can also be obtained when we do it after eating, which is to lower blood sugar levels.

A small-scale study found that walking for 15 minutes after breakfast, lunch, and dinner has the potential to be more influential in improving blood sugar levels, when compared to walking for 45 minutes at a time.

15 Minutes Is Enough to Improve Mood The benefits of the next walk is a positive impact on mental health. People who walk regularly report less anxiety and negative moods.

Improve creative thinking skills

This positive mood then makes it easier to come up with fresh ideas. Some studies have concluded that it is easier to think about new, creative ideas while walking rather than sitting. Especially if you do it outdoors and in the fresh air.
Strengthens leg muscles

Routine doing automatic walking exercise will strengthen the leg muscles, especially if you often follow uphill routes. Walking on a treadmill can also strengthen your leg muscles if this tool is set with a natural uphill position.

Although the benefits of walking are very good for health, the type of walking that we do should not be arbitrary. Like what kind of walking activity that can provide these goodness?

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