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Simple and no need for tools, what are the benefits of a plank?

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Plank can be called as one of the movement exercises in sports that are practical and very impactful for our bodies. Besides being easy to do, plank has a variety of benefits that are good for body muscle building.

The benefits of the plank are not inferior to crunch or sit ups, because plank also can strengthen core muscle or muscles found in the stomach and back without using special tools. What are the benefits of a plank?

The plank movement only requires the body and we can even do it without a yoga mat in a short time. What are the benefits of plank? Here are some of the advantages of planks.

Strengthens core muscles

Plank is very useful for strengthening core muscle and build abdominal muscles. Different from sit ups and crunch, plank tends to be safer for sufferers of back pain and spinal plate disorders.

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Uses a lot of muscle

Although the plank focus on core muscle, but this movement actually also uses the entire muscles to support the body, such as the muscles of the thighs, arms, and stomach. Therefore the plank will not cause injury to the back because our body weight is supported by the entire body muscles.

Reduces back pain

Apart from being safe for back pain sufferers, planks are useful for maintaining back health and reducing pain in the area. Trained abdominal muscles due to planks will be able to support the body and reduce the burden on the back and prevent soreness in the shoulders and neck due to the bent posture.

Improve posture

Benefits plank in increasing strength core muscle also has an impact on body posture. Planks strengthen the muscles in the shoulders and back so they can make us stand straight.

The plank exercise is perfect for office workers because it prevents the curled posture of sitting all day by straightening the stomach, neck, back, chest and shoulders. Good posture enhances your appearance and makes you look taller and slimmer which can certainly increase your confidence.

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Increase flexibility

Increasing flexibility may not be a plank benefit that will be thought of for the first time. In fact, this exercise can stretch the lower part of the body and increase flexibility in the thigh and leg muscles. Plank exercises focus not only on endurance and strength, but also on flexibility.

Improve coordination and movement

Plank exercises are not only one variation, but there are various types of planks that can be done to train body movement and coordination. In addition, overall strong muscles will reduce the risk of injury or muscle overuse.


You will not be bored while doing plank exercises, because there are various variations of planks that can be done and are challenging. You can even combine tools, like medicine ball or foam roller to increase the difficulty level of the plank that is done.

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Interested in the various benefits of plank? You can do it easily! For beginners, you can do the usual plank exercise using your forearm or palms and hold the position for 15 to 30 seconds.

Slowly try to increase the duration of the planks to two minutes. While doing the plank, tiptoe on the bottom of your foot and let your weight stay there. Do not let your thighs drop and keep your body, especially your chest and abdomen tight and straight. Good luck! (Wisnubrata)

This article has been published on Kompas.com with the title Practical and Without Tools, What are the Benefits of Plank?