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A number of civil servants are worried that the transfer of the Taspen program to BP Jamsostek will reduce the value of benefits

ILLUSTRATION. Workers clean the walls of the Central Jakarta District Court building in Jakarta, Wednesday (20/11/2019).

Reporter: Vendi Yhulia Susanto | Editor: Noverius Laoli

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The Constitutional Court (MK) today scheduled a follow-up trial for judicial review of Law No. 24 of 2011 on Social Security Administering Bodies (BPJS). In this follow-up session, the Constitutional Court invited related parties including PT Taspen (Persero) and BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

President Director of Taspen ANS Kosasih in the hearing said that his party was a related party, and not the party that submitted a judicial review.

“Today we come as a related party. So we are not the ones proposing this, but the applicant who is our participant they have concerns, later if we are worried about things, will the benefits we receive be different?” Said Kosasih at the Constitutional Court Building, Wednesday (5/2).

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Kosasih explained, there were several concerns from the judicial applicants. Namely, the Taspen participants felt that nothing could ensure that with this transfer the Taspen participants would not experience a decrease in services and benefits.

Then, it cannot be ascertained that with the transfer, Taspen participants will get better services and benefits from the excellent service that has been provided by PT Taspen Persero. Another concern is the reduced value of benefits received because they are used to cover private workers in BP Jamsostek.

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“Taspen’s assets are Rp. 263 trillion, members are 4.1 million. If the BPJS (employment) assets are reportedly Rp. 412 trillion, then the members, if I’m not mistaken, are around 16 million. So 263 divided by 4 to 412 divided by 16 later if combined means that it will be eroded totally? I said the mathematics was interesting from the applicants, “he explained.

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