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5 Benefits of spinach for the health of your body

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Spinach is one type of green vegetable that contains many nutrients. Starting from vitamin A, magneisum, vitamin C, iron, and vitamin K. These content make the benefits of spinach very much and can be felt by your body when consumed regularly.

Strengthens Bones

The amount of K content in spinach can increase the production of osteocalc. Osteocalc is a type of protein whose job is to balance the amount of calcium in bones.

Apart from vitamin K, NDTV Food (food.ndtv.com) says that spinach also has a lot of calcium, fiber, vitamin D, vitamin C, and magnesium. That is, consuming spinach can make your bone health improve.

Healthy Eyes

The eye is one part of the body that plays an important role. Therefore, his health needs to be maintained. One of them is by consuming spinach regularly. There are many nutritious ingredients in spinach, such as beta carotene and lutein.

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Lutein is stored in the macula in the retina which acts as a natural sunscreen. That way, the eyes will be protected from light that is harmful to health. Another benefit of spinach is that it is useful for reducing the risk of macular degeneration.

Improve Heart Health

One of the benefits of spinach is maintaining human heart health.

Not only does it maintain skin and eye health, vitamin C in spinach is also useful for preventing the risk of heart disease. These benefits are still maximized by the presence of lutein which can prevent thickening of the artery walls.

This means that the risk of a heart attack can decrease. In addition, spinach also contains nitrites which are useful for treating heart disease, especially heart disease related to fat deposition.

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Increase Energy

If you feel that you often lack energy, consuming spinach can be an option. This type of vegetable contains a lot of magnesium which can produce a lot of energy. Not only that, spinach also contains lots of folate so you can do lots of activities.

Against Bacterial and Viral Infections

NDTV Food says that the vitamin A in spinach is useful for fighting various kinds of virus and bacteria attacks. Not only that, vitamin A is also useful for producing sebum so that your skin doesn’t dry out your hair easily.

Editor: Belladina Biananda