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Cooperative benefits and services can only be obtained by members

ILLUSTRATION. Saving and loan cooperative. (KONTAN / Cheppy A. Muchlis)

Reporter: Maizal Walfajri | Editor: Yudho Winarto

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Law No. 11 of 2020 on Job Creation states that cooperatives can only serve members. This confirms the prohibition of embracing the community as has been done by many cooperatives so far.

This will have no impact on the Benteng Mikro Indonesia Sharia Cooperative (BMI). President Director of BMI Kamaruddin Batubara stated that this was because the cooperative only served members.

“This means that anyone who wants to get cooperative services must become a member so that the benefits received are optimal. Services for other than members do not exist because the requirements for obtaining them are required to become members, “Kamaruddin told Kontan.co.id on Thursday (12/11).

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The benefits of being a member of a cooperative mean having the cooperative itself. Also have the opportunity to use loan services and product marketing. It can even receive profits every year from the results of cooperative businesses.

Nevertheless, he stated that a healthy cooperative must always add members so that it constantly shows the community to cooperate. Therefore, so that BMIs can be reached by all levels of society, Kamaruddin said that the principal savings are only Rp. 10,000.

As of October 2020, BMI recorded total assets of IDR 648.69 billion. Meanwhile, the cooperative’s capital is valued at Rp 227.33 billion and savings of Rp 240.52 billion.

The accounts receivable reached Rp 467 billion. This cooperative has 175,795 members as of October 2020.

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