Benefits of Children Learning to Cook Since Toddler
According to Arleen Amidjaja in his book Fun and Mind Stimulating Things To Do with Your Kids (2 – 6 years), cooking is important for children because it provides the opportunity to concentrate, practice math concepts (when measuring something), work, experiment, and share (when he shares the results of his cooking).
Well, here are some Arleen-style ideas:
– Make fruit puch. With a fruit spoon, let the child scrape the melon, watermelon and papaya into balls. Or with a plastic knife, let him cut the fruit into cubes. Mix and add syrup, or sugar with the feeling of lemon juice. Chill in the refrigerator before eating.
– Make a salad. Let him remove the leaves lettuce and tear it to make it smaller. Boil the carrots and let them chop with a plastic knife. Mix with cucumber slices and season salad dressing.
– Make sandwiches. Prepare boiled eggs, ask the children to peel and slice them with a plastic knife. Arrange on top of white bread, put cheese slices on top, add a slice lettuce and cover with another sheet of white bread that has been smeared mayonnaise.