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Should know! This is the Right Time to Change Motor Matic Oil

JawaPos.com – It is important to know that changing motor oil is one of the things that must be done regularly. Especially for those of you who use an automatic motorbike, this oil change is very important.

The benefits of changing oil on this automatic motorbike include maintaining engine performance so that it is always in prime condition. This means that every time you change the oil on an automatic motorbike, the resulting engine performance will also be better and of course more comfortable when used.

However, the performance of this engine will also be determined by the type and quality of oil you use. The better the quality of the oil, the better the condition of your engine in the future.

Another benefit of changing motor oil is to keep the motor engine clean. Because there is often friction in the engine that triggers the appearance of dirt, oil that is still in good condition is needed.

If not replaced, it will affect the performance of the vehicle engine. However, not a few are still confused about when and at what distance the oil needs to be replaced. Then what is the ideal mileage to change motor oil for automatic motorbikes?

Oil Change Time Based on Mileage

Every 2000 KM

Motor matic has reached a distance of 2000 km, try to immediately change the oil with a new one.

Because the oil that is in the motorbike and has been used for a distance of 2000 km is no longer suitable for use because it can damage vehicle components.

The new oil will keep your automatic motorbike in top condition so it won’t suddenly die when used.

Every 3000 KM

When it reaches 3000 KM, the oil must also be replaced with a new one. So you often have to check the speedometer to see how much you have traveled, whether it is 3000 km or not. If so, immediately replace the oil with a new one.

Usually a motorbike that has traveled up to 3000 km has been used for about 2 months. Don’t let your motorbike’s mileage exceed 3000 km, then replace the oil with a new one.

This will endanger your motorbike which one day suddenly shuts down suddenly. If you are a forgetful person, try to make notes so you can change motor oil regularly.

Oil Change Once 2 Months For 20 – 50 KM Mileage

Maybe you are the type of person who rarely leaves the house, so you don’t use a motorbike too often, maybe only 20 to 50 kilometers.

But that is not a reason for you not to change the oil to a new one. You must keep changing the oil for every 2 months.

Even though it is rarely used, the oil that is in the motorbike if not replaced immediately can damage the components of the vehicle. So to keep your vehicle in top condition and ready to use whenever needed, you must regularly replace it with new oil.

If in one day the vehicle covers a distance of 200 km, change it once every 2 weeks

Be careful if you ride a motorcycle with a distance of up to 200 KM in a day. If so, you will need to change the oil for once every two weeks.

Always make sure that every 200 KM your oil must be replaced immediately. So when it is about to be used again, it will not suddenly die.

To keep your motorbike in top condition, be sure to choose the type of quality oil. If you choose when you want to change motor oil, your vehicle may not function optimally. It’s okay to pay a high price, as long as the oil is of good quality.

Signs That Motor Oil Must Be Replaced Immediately

You should pay more attention if these signs or conditions have started to appear and be felt. Thus the maintenance of motor oil will be maximized, and your motorbike can last longer. Especially considering that the oil on an automatic motorbike is very important. Here’s the sign in question.

Pull Feels Heavy
This heavy drag occurs because you often ride your motorbike on traffic jams. So if you already feel this condition, you must replace it with new oil.

The reason could be because you often pass through traffic jams or the motorbike is always forced to go to high speed. Both of these things will also make your motor oil feel hot.

Do not let you leave it for too long, because it will cause the motor performance to decrease. It would be nice to immediately change the motor oil before it’s too late.

Often Passes Up the Road
You can do the automatic motor oil change when the vehicle is often carried on inclines. The reason is, the uphill road can make the oil in the vehicle heat up quickly because it is forced to continue to gas.

Therefore, it is better if you have frequently taken to uphill roads, immediately replace them with new ones.

You really have to pay attention to this one thing. If you have repeatedly carried on uphill roads, immediately take your motorbike to the repair shop to change the oil.