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Only 1% of households have enjoyed the benefits of using the gas network

ILLUSTRATION. Gas pipelines (jargas). BETWEEN PHOTOS / Didik Suhartono / hp.

Reporter: Ridwan Nanda Mulyana | Editor: Handoyo.

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Gas networks (jargas) for households can bring a number of benefits, particularly in terms of savings for the state and society. Unfortunately, even though it has been running for 10 years, only about 1% of households have been successfully flowed by jargas.

Until now, the government is still relying on assignments for state-owned companies. PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) as sub holding BUMN gas is still supporting the jargas development program.

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President Director of PGN Suko Hartono said that in the 2009-2019 period, 537,936 household connections (SR) jargas were built, which spread from Aceh to Papua, although only in 17 provinces and 60 districts / cities.

In total, only 1% of households have access to jargas. “If the population of Indonesia is 260 million and it is assumed that one household is 4 people, then 537,000 house connections are around 0.9% or only 1%,” said Suko during a joint hearing with Commission VII DPR RI, Monday (6/7) yesterday.

In accordance with the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), this year PGN is tasked with building 316,000 SR jargas. However, there is a transfer of the budget for handling Covid-19, from the original IDR 3.5 trillion to IDR 1.4 trillion from the 2020 State Budget.

So that the realization of the APBN will be 127,864 SR jargas to be built in 23 districts / cities. Meanwhile, for next year, PGN plans to build 734,000 SR jargas with a value of Rp 8.1 trillion. In 2022, it will increase again to 840,000 SR jargas with a capital of IDR 9.2 trillion. However, starting this year it is possible to have a Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme.

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In 2023, it is targeted to build 800,000 SR of jargas at a cost of Rp.8.8 trillion, and the same amount in 2024. By doing so, by 2024 it is targeted that a total of 4 million SR of jargas will be built. According to Suko, the construction of this jargas has several benefits. “Starting from the reduction in LPG imports, saving on public spending to saving on LPG subsidies,” he said.

He explained, referring to road map construction of jargas in accordance with the 2020-2024 RPJMN, utilization of jargas until 2024 can reduce LPG imports by up to US $ 17.2 million per year, savings in public spending by up to Rp 0.3 trillion per year, and savings in LPG subsidies of up to Rp 3.3 trillion per year .

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