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Diet without rice, the benefits and risks that you need to know

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Diet without rice is one way to lose weight that is practiced by many people. Not only does it make you lose weight, this type of diet can also be used to improve overall health. However, there are still risks that you need to be aware of.

Initially, the rice-free diet was used to cure obesity and improve heart and kidney health. Over time, many people use this diet to lose weight.

This way of losing weight uses foods low in fat, calories, sodium, sodium and protein, and involves regular exercise. Better Me says you can eat 800 calories in the first phase. After that, you can consume 1000-1,200 calories until your target body weight is reached.

You can eat vegetables and fruits that are rich in fiber, dairy foods (Dairy Product) low in fat, meat and fish. On the other hand, you need to avoid alcohol, sugary, salty, oily and high-fat foods.

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Benefits of a Diet Without Rice

A diet without rice has several health benefits.

As said, a rice-free diet can provide many benefits. First, you can lose weight because you don’t eat a lot of food during your diet. Target body weight can be achieved by limiting calories and doing more exercise to burn fat.

Second, low sodium foods can improve kidney health. The kidneys are in charge of maintaining the salt balance in the body, if the amount of salt decreases, the task becomes lighter. Third, limiting sodium intake can also lower a person’s blood pressure.

Risks of a Rice-Free Diet

Not only does it have many benefits, a diet without rice also has risks that you need to pay attention to. When following this diet for a long time, restricting nutritional intake can cause imbalances.

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For example, muscle mass will decrease when the body lacks protein. Quoting Better Me, if you do not take supplements, the body will lack a lot of nutrients causing many health problems.

Nutritional imbalances make a diet without rice unsuitable for long term use. Not only that, this diet is also difficult to do, especially among people who have a habit of eating rice at every event.

Editor: Belladina Biananda