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Benefits of massage for babies

Massage is not only fun for adults. Especially for babies, massage can also make him relax. Of course, baby massage is not what it means to massage adults. The principle of baby massage is skin to skin contact or touch therapy. Its function is not only as a bonding attachment (bonding) between mother and baby, but also support the development process mentally, physically, and socially.

Gently massage the child’s skin can help stimulate gross motor skills, such as crawling, sitting, and fine motor skills (such as the ability to grasp and scribble). In addition, when touched with a gentle massage, the baby’s body will release endorphins which make him more relaxed, so that he sleeps well and prevents him from becoming aggressive.

The same is said dr. Margareta Komalasari, Sp.A, from Pertamina Central Hospital and Brawijaya Women & Children Hospital, during the My Baby Lovely Spa some time ago. “Best of all, baby massage should be practiced by birth mothers, because baby massage is an expression of love. Touch is the first communication between mother and baby. “The soft, soothing touch during massage stimulates the oxytocin hormone in mother and baby, which creates feelings of empathy and relieves stress, so it is called the love hormone,” he explained.

Dr. Margareta also added that baby massage will make children feel calm and comfortable, not restless, reduce fuss and cry, and sleep is better. Other benefits? It can increase body weight, aid digestion, improve circulation, and reduce soreness teething.

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