A series of benefits of guava for health when consumed regularly
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Guavas are sweet and delicious when fully ripe. The fact is guava has many health benefits. This is a series of guava benefits for your health.
Guava, a fruit that is easily found in gardens, traditional markets and modern markets.
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Guava has a sweet taste and is crunchy when perfectly ripe. Besides being sweet, guava is also good for health.
Not only in ripe condition, guava fruit is often eaten raw or half-ripe for salad.
Those of you who like to eat guava are very lucky. This is because, behind its refreshing taste, guava fruit is proven to have various health benefits.
What are the benefits?
1. Helps treat dengue fever (DHF)
Launching The Book What Your Doctor Doesn’t Say About Dengue Fever (2008) by dr. Genis Ginanjar, although research on the efficacy of guava and its leaves has not been clinically tested too much, there is nothing wrong with giving guava to DHF patients.
Because, this tropical fruit includes foods that contain high vitamin C. In fact, the content of vitamin C in guava can reach 3-6 times more than oranges and 10 times more than papaya.
The content of vitamin C contained in guava fruit pulp can be useful as a prevention of the fragility (fragility) of blood vessel capillaries, and directly reduces the risk of bleeding in patients with DHF.
As is known, the manifestation of bleeding in dengue fever patients depends on three factors, namely:
- Platelet count factor
- The factor of fragility of blood capillaries
- Blood clotting component factors
2. Maintain normal blood pressure
Apart from that, guava also plays a role in maintaining optimal blood pressure. This is because guava is a good source of potassium.
In severe conditions, the role of potassium can prevent shock due to uncontrolled drop in blood pressure.
3. Treating canker sores until the gums are swollen
Because it contains high vitamin C, guava can also be used to help treat canker sores and swollen gums.
This is because vitamin C plays a role in the wound healing process and builds the body’s resistance to infection.
Launching the Guava Book: Culture and Its Useful Variety (2007) by Primin, SP, most of the vitamin C guava is concentrated in the skin and the outer flesh is soft and thick.
The vitamin C content of guava reaches its peak just before metang. So, consuming guava when ripe will be better than before being ripe or too ripe.
4. Streamlining the digestive system
Guava also contains tannin compounds that cause a tense taste in fruit, but are useful for improving the digestive system and blood circulation, and attacking viruses.
5. Lowering cholesterol
In addition, guava is also rich in fiber, especially pectin or water soluble fiber which is useful for lowering cholesterol by binding to cholesterol and bile acids in the body and helping its excretion.
6. Maintain regular heart rate
Guava also contains potassium which can function to increase regular heart rate, activate muscle contraction, deliver nutrients to body cells, and reduce total cholesterol levels and high blood pressure (hypertension).
7. Maintain endurance to prevent cancer
In guava also found lycopene, which is a carotenoid substance (an important pigment in plants) which has antioxidant activity to fight cancer.
Guava which contains lots of lycopene, especially guava which has red meat.
8. Prevent anemia
Vitamin C contained in guava can help the body absorb iron. As is well known, iron is needed by the body for many purposes.
Launching WebMD, without adequate iron intake, the body cannot produce enough hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that functions to carry oxygen to body tissues.
As a result, a person may feel tired, irritable, short of breath, and heart palpitations as symptoms of anemia.
9. Maintain eye health
Apart from vitamin C, guava also contains vitamin A which the body needs. In 100 grams of guava, contain at least 25 SI vitamin A.
Launching the Health Line, vitamin A is an important nutrient that plays a role in many body processes, including:
- Immune function
- Reproduction health
- Skin health
- Body growth
- Maintain eye health or vision function
- Vitamin A deficiency itself can be a major cause of blindness, especially in developing countries.
10. Helps reduce weight
Launching Medical News Today, the nutritional content in 100 grams of guava fruit include:
- Calories: 68 kcal
- Carbs: 14.32 grams
- Sugar: 8.92 grams
- Fat: 0.95 grams Fiber: 5.4 grams
- Potassium: 417 milligrams
- Vitamin C: 228.3 milligrams
- Vitamin A: 624 international units (IU)
Because it is low in calories and high in fiber, guava is a friendly food for people who are undergoing a diet and weight loss program.
The fiber in guava can keep you full longer. In other words, this fruit can be used as an option if you are looking for a suitable snack to lose weight.
11. Lowering blood sugar levels
Launching the Conquering Diabetes Jamu Book (2013) by Ning Harmanto and dr. Prapti Utama, guava contains lots of fiber and antioxidants (vitamin A, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and folic acid) which can help lower blood sugar levels.
Not only that, guava is also rich in calcium, potassium, iron and B vitamins which are also useful for the body. (Irawan Sapto Adhi)
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This article has been published on Kompas.com with the title “11 Benefits of Guava for Health”