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11 health benefits of pomegranate tea and how to make it

Liputan6.com, Jakarta – Pomegranate including fruit which is rich in benefits. This fruit is known to reduce the risk of various diseases in the body. Pomegranate contains fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, protein, folate and potassium

While pomegranate seeds contain two compounds in the form of punicalagins and punicic acid which are powerful antioxidants. For pomegranate skin contains many pollifenols such as flavonoids (catechins and anthocyanins), thick tannins, phenolic acids (gallic and caffeic acids), hydrolyzed tannins (punicalagin), alkaloids and lignans.

Reporting from the boldsky page Tuesday, February 2, 2021. A study states that pomegranate has three times more antioxidant activity than red wine and green tea. Consuming pomegranate tea is often linked with many health benefits. Here are 11 health benefits of pomegranate tea.

1. Supports Heart Health

Pomegranate tea is packed with major polyphenols like anthocyanins, phenolic acids, and punicalagins which have strong antioxidant activity. a study says that polyphenols help protect cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart disease.

2. Improve the Reproductive System

A study states that beta-sitosterol in pomegranate seeds has embryo protective activity. and can help protect the reproductive system from damage from chemotherapy drugs. Pomegranate tea made from juice also helps increase sperm concentration.

3. Managing Diabetes

Pomegranates have a variety of ellagic and punicalagin acids in the fruit which can help reduce glucose spikes caused after eating. So, it can manage diabetes effectively. and can prevent the risk of diabetes complications.

4. Helps Lose Weight

The high amount of punicic acid in pomegranate tea can help you lose weight because of its cholesterol-lowering effect. In addition, pomegranate leaves reduce lipids or fats in the blood and total serum cholesterol in the body. Overall, pomegranate tea really helps with weight loss.