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Minister Siti: The cooperation between KLHK and UNDP has provided great benefits for both parties

Tuesday, December 29 2020 – 17:25 WIB

Minister Siti: The Cooperation between KLHK and UNDP Has Provided Great Benefits for Both Parties - JPNN.com

Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK), Siti Nurbaya received an audience for the Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Indonesia, Mr. Norimasa Shimomura in the open space of the Arboretum Lukito Daryadi, Tuesday (29/12/2020). Photo: Public Relations of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry

jpnn.com, JAKARTA – Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK), Siti Nurbaya received an audience for the Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Indonesia, Mr. Norimasa Shimomura in the open space of the Arboretum Lukito Daryadi, Tuesday (29/12/2020).

Minister Siti when starting the meeting, congratulated Mr. Shimomura becomes the new Resident Representative for UNDP Indonesia.

Minister Siti then said that the long-term cooperation between the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and UNDP has provided great benefits for both parties.

“I appreciate the cooperation of UNDP so far that respects and supports Indonesia in accordance with the ethics of technical cooperation according to the Paris Agreement,” said Minister Siti.

“Whatever is done in an effort to improve landscapes, sites and areas, the ultimate goal is environmental restoration and climate change control,” continued Siti.

Minister Siti revealed that the existence of UNDP in Indonesia is important to support the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to continue corrective actions in achieving sustainable development goals and other international commitments such as the Paris Agreement, Post2020 Biodiversity Framework, and the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration.

The Minister of Environment and Forestry’s appreciation was also given to UNDP for supporting the Climate Corner program, a unique activity that brought together a very wide and diverse range of stakeholders in raising awareness, reporting developments, discussing methodologies and best practices.

The Climate Corner in each meeting can produce recommendations to stakeholders, both state and non-state actors in fighting climate change through mitigation and adaptation actions.


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