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Get to know the various health benefits of lavender oil

TEMPO.CO, JakartaLavender oil is calming, soothing, and has several benefits from healing wounds, reducing headaches, to anxiety. Quoting from Pink Villa, lavender oil is one of the essential oils which is said to be effective in calming the mind and managing stress.

Here are the benefits essential oil lavender for health that needs to be tried.

Relieves anxiety and stress
During times of stress and busy work, lavender essential oil is very effective in reducing anxiety and releasing stress. This oil has calming power and is useful in calming anxious nerves.

Make it easy to sleep
To create a healthy body and mind, getting a good night’s sleep is very important. If you can’t sleep because of too much on your mind, just inhale some of the scent of lavender oil and you will definitely fall asleep.

Relieves headaches
Whether it’s a common headache or a migraine, lavender oil has the power to cure both. Inhaling lavender oil can immediately reduce headaches and relieve migraine attacks.

Makes skin glow
Include oil lavender into a skincare routine to make skin glow. Lavender oil has anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in antioxidants that can fight free radicals from the skin.

Fights yeast infection
Lavender oil is very effective for treating fungal infections. Lavender oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help combat fungal growth in various areas of the body.

Also read: Lavender Flower Oil and Tea Tree Helpful for Acne