7 Benefits of Zinc for the Body
KOMPAS.com – Zinc or zinc is an important nutrient that helps maintain endurance.
These nutrients are also important for supporting the body’s metabolic function. Zinc helps stimulate the performance of at least 100 types of enzymes.
Here is a list of the benefits of zinc for the body that are important to know:
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1. Strengthen the immune system
Launch Medical News Today, the human body needs zinc to activate T lymphocytes (T cells) which play a role in immunity.
T cells help the immune system by controlling the immune response and attacking cells that cause disease.
According to research, people who lack zinc are prone to disease or get sick easily.
2. Improve brain health
The benefits of zinc for the body are also useful for maintaining healthy brain organs.
Studies from the University of Toronto show that zinc is important in regulating communication between neurons.
With fluent neuronal communication, memory and learning abilities will be better.
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3. Speed up the healing process when sick
Other studies have also revealed that the benefits of zinc for the body can speed up the healing process of diseases, especially flu.
According to studies, patients who are given zinc supplements are shown to have a faster fever.
In addition to reducing the duration of illness, the severity of the disease is also less if zinc is consumed 24 hours after initial symptoms of illness appear.
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4. Helps heal wounds

The function of zinc can also help heal wounds, reduce inflammation, and inhibit the growth of infection-causing bacteria.
These nutrients can also play a role in maintaining the strength and structure of the skin. Patients with chronic wounds or ulcers generally experience zinc deficiency.
Zinc is also commonly used to treat diaper rashes and other skin irritations.
5. Prevent inflammation
Research from Oregon State University shows that the benefits of zinc can also reduce the risk of inflammation-related diseases
People who are deficient in zinc tend to be more prone to inflammation.
As is well known, inflammation can increase the risk of chronic diseases that are harmful to health.
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6. Prevent cataracts
The function of zinc can also prevent degenerative diseases that attack the eyes due to age.
These nutrients can prevent damage to cells in the retina, so that it can inhibit cataracts and vision loss in the elderly.
7. Increase male fertility

Zinc can also increase male fertility. Zinc deficiency can reduce sperm quality and increase the risk of male infertility.
Although the benefits of zinc for the body are promising, the consumption of this nutrient needs to be right for optimal health.
Launch Mayo Clinic, the need for zinc per day for each person varies, depending on health conditions, sex, and age.
Adult women need 8 milligrams of zinc per day. Meanwhile, adult men need 11 milligrams of zinc per day.
The safe limit for zinc consumption per day is a maximum of 40 milligrams for adults and 4 milligrams for babies under 6 months of age.
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This nutritional requirement can be fulfilled by consuming zinc-rich foods or taking supplements.
Some foods rich in zinc include oysters, beef, nuts, crab, lobster, peas, peanuts, to yogurt.
Taking supplements needs a doctor’s recommendation. The reason is, this supplement can react with certain drugs such as antibiotics to certain diuretic drugs.
People who consume zinc above the safe threshold are also prone to stomach pain, indigestion, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and inhibiting the absorption of a number of other nutrients.