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Start the morning with breakfast, these are 5 benefits for the body


Start the morning with breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal time because it can replenish the supply of glucose to increase the body’s energy while providing other essential nutrients needed by the body.

Reported in Healthline, many studies have shown the health benefits of breakfast. Breakfast can increase energy and concentration and aid in better weight management, reducing the long-term risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Why is breakfast so important? When you wake up all night, you probably haven’t eaten for 10 hours. Breakfast can replenish energy and nutrient stores in the body. Let’s look at some of the other benefits of breakfast.

1. Energy

The body’s source of energy is glucose. Glucose is broken down and absorbed from the carbohydrates you eat. The body stores most of its energy as fat. But your body also stores some glucose as glycogen which is mostly in the liver and in small amounts in the muscles.

During fasting (not eating), such as overnight, your liver breaks down glycogen and releases it into your bloodstream as glucose to keep blood sugar levels stable. This is especially important for your brain which relies almost entirely on glucose for energy.

In the morning, after you haven’t eaten for 12 hours, your glycogen stores are running low. After all the energy from glycogen stores is used up, the body will begin to break down fatty acids to produce the energy it needs. But without carbohydrates, the fatty acids are only partially oxidized which can lower your energy levels.

Breakfast increases your energy levels and restores your glycogen levels ready to keep your metabolism going for the day. Skipping breakfast may seem like a good way to reduce your overall energy intake.

But research shows that even with a higher energy intake, breakfast tends to be more physically active in the morning than those who don’t eat until the afternoon.

2. Vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients

Eat breakfast you should choose a healthy one. Choose breakfast foods that contain folate, calcium, iron, B vitamins and fiber. Breakfast provides plenty of your total day’s nutritional intake.

In fact, people who eat breakfast are more likely to meet the recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals than people who don’t.

Essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients can only be obtained from food, so even though your body can usually find enough energy for the next meal to maintain health and vitality.

3. Controlling body weight

Start the morning with breakfast if you want to control your weight. People who regularly eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight or obese. Several studies have shown that breakfast can help control your weight because it can prevent large fluctuations in your blood glucose levels.

In addition, it helps you control your appetite so that you are less likely to take whatever food is around when hunger hits (For example, high-energy foods, high-fat foods with added sugar or salt).

4. Increase brain power

If you skip breakfast, you will feel a little sluggish and have a hard time focusing on things. Because your brain hasn’t received the energy (glucose) it needs to work.

Studies show that skipping breakfast affects your mental performance, including attention, concentration skills and memory. This can make some tasks more difficult than usual.

Children and adolescents who regularly eat breakfast also tend to do better academically than those who skip breakfast. They also felt a higher degree of association with teachers and other adults in their school which led to more positive health and academic outcomes.

5. Reducing the risk of disease

Compared with people who skip breakfast, those who regularly eat breakfast tend to have a lower risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. There is also some evidence that people who skip breakfast may be at higher risk for cardiovascular disease.

Breakfast helps you make better food choices. People who eat breakfast generally have a healthier diet overall, have better eating habits and are less likely to want to snack during the day than people who skip breakfast. Children who eat an inadequate breakfast are more likely to make poor food choices not only in the day but also in the long term.

People who skip breakfast tend to have a snack in the morning or evening. This can be a problem if they are low in fiber, vitamins but high in fat and salt.

So to get these five benefits, let’s go start the morning with breakfast.

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