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Improve Brain Health, These 3 Benefits of Oranges You Must Know

Tuesday, December 29 2020 – 07:28 WIB

Improve Brain Health, These 3 Benefits of Oranges You Must Know - JPNN.com

Orange illustration. Photo: Pixabay

jpnn.com, JAKARTA – ORANGE very popular for its natural sweetness, the wide variety available, and the variety of uses.

For example, a person could consume them in juice and marmalade, eat them whole, or use the peel to add a tangy flavor to cakes and desserts.

This popular citrus fruit is well known for its vitamin C content.

But apparently, oranges also contain several other benefits that are good for the body.

The following is the explanation, as reported by the Genpi.co page.

1. Helps improve brain health

One of the benefits offered by oranges is that it can help nourish your brain.

Apart from being rich in vitamin C, oranges also contain high levels of potassium, folate and antioxidants.


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