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Prevent Kidney Stones, These 8 Benefits of Ambon Banana are Good for the Body

Monday, 01 February 2021 – 06:54 WIB

Prevent kidney stones, here are 8 benefits of Ambon banana that are good for the body - JPNN.com

Banana illustration. Photo: Pixabay

jpnn.com, JAKARTA – WHO who doesn’t like bananas? This oval-shaped fruit with yellow skin is one of the favorite fruits of many people in the world, including in Indonesia.

Ambon banana is a type of banana variety in Indonesia.

Here are some of the benefits of Ambon banana for health, as reported by the Genpi.co page.

1. Natural Ulcer Medicine

The following benefits of Ambon banana are encouraging news for ulcer sufferers.

According to a study, bananas including Ambon banana are known to be an effective natural remedy for ulcer disease.

Bananas contain chemical compounds called sitoindosides.

These compounds promote mucus secretion in the digestive tract which acts as a protective layer to prevent acid from damaging the mucosal lining of the stomach.


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