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Intention of Fasting Monday Thursday and the Benefits of Fasting


The intention to carry out the Monday fast on Thursday will certainly be of worship value, even though the fast is Sunnah fast. However, fasting Monday Thursday is a special fast because the Prophet Muhammad SAW often did it. Monday fasting Thursday the procedure is no different from other fasting Sunnah.

The law of fasting is that if you do it you get reward, but if you don’t do it, you won’t sin because it is not something you must do. When you want to fast, it must be done by reading the intention of fasting Monday Thursday. The pronunciation of the intention reading in Latin is as follows:

Intention of fasting on Monday: “Nawaitu Shouma Yaumal Itsnaini Sunnatal Lillahi Ta’aala.”

Intention of fasting on Thursday: “Nawaitu Shouma Yaumal Khomiisi Sunnatal Lillahi Ta’aalaa.”

In contrast to fasting which is carried out in the month of Ramadan which is obligatory to convey or read the intention before doing it, the intention of fasting on Monday Thursday is the day before eating, drinking or doing other things that can break the fast. When fasting Monday Thursday, it can also be accompanied by more dhikr and reading prayer of the prophet. That way, maybe the more rewards you will get.

Well, that’s the reading of the intention to fast Monday Thursday. Next, let’s find out about the various benefits of fasting Monday. There are quite a number of benefits of running fast on Thursday for health. Here are some of these benefits:

fasting couple illustrationfasting illustration / Photo: iStock

Benefits of Fasting Monday Thursday

1. Helps Lose Weight
When fasting, eat and drink less. With conditions like that will certainly help lose weight easier. When fasting too, the levels of the hormones insulin, norepinephrine and growth decrease which can stimulate the burning of fat in the body to become a source of energy so that the weight loss process is faster.

2. Helps Improve Brain Function
Intermittent fasting can help the body increase the growth of new nerve cells. That way, the function of the brain is also more optimal. Not only that, the levels of the brain-derived neurotropic factor hormone in the brain will also increase when fasting. This hormone is believed to have a role in protecting the brain from diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

3. Protect the Heart
Intermittent fasting can also help lower blood pressure, bad cholesterol, total cholesterol, blood sugar and triglycerides. By decreasing these things in the body, it can reduce the risk of heart disease. If all of these things can be handled properly, the blood vessels will be healthier.

4. Increase Immunity
Another benefit of fasting Monday is that the immune system becomes more optimal. By boosting it the immune system can help reduce tissue damage due to exposure to free radicals.

Thus the discussion in this article regarding the intention of fasting Monday Thursday and some of the benefits of observing this fast. (PK)

See also the fasting diet method video:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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