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The importance of sweetener benefits, identify 5 types of sweeteners that are safe for diabetes

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Although diabetes is a disease that intersects with blood sugar levels, it does not mean that diabetes does not need sweeteners in food intake. Benefits sweetener still needed by the body as a source of energy and make the brain function properly.

To help prevent excess sugar consumption, it is important to choose a sweetener that can be used by diabetics as an alternative to sugar that does not trigger a rise in blood sugar.

Reporting from KlikDokter, as for some sweetener ingredients that are proven safe for people with diabetes.


Although it tastes sweeter than regular sugar, saccharin has a lower calorie content so it is safe for consumption by diabetics. The reason is, this natural sweetener can pass through the digestive tract without needing to be digested first.

Please note, the use of saccharin must be limited so as not to overdo it because it has the potential to trigger an allergic reaction.


Stevia is a natural, non-calorie sweetener, and is the result of stevia leaf extract. Even so, this healthy sugar tastes 200 times sweeter than granulated sugar even though in the same dose. There is research that shows that consuming stevia before meals can reduce blood sugar levels and lower insulin levels.


Xylitol is a type of natural sugar substitute known as sugar alcohol. The calorie content of xylitol is 40% of the calories of sugar, but this healthy sugar does not increase blood sugar levels because it does not contain fructose.

Besides being safe for use by people with diabetes, the sweet taste of xylitol can cause acidic changes in the mouth so that it can prevent tooth decay and help treat the oral cavity.


Just like xylitol, erythritol is also a sugar alcohol. This material is safe for diabetics because it is very low in calories, containing only 6% of the calories of sugar. Even though it is low in calories, use should still be limited so as not to overdo it. This is because this sugar substitute can increase gas in the stomach, which can lead to bloating and disrupt digestion.


Just like other sugar substitutes, sucralose has benefits sweetener which is safe for diabetes. Sucralose is a type of sugar substitute that is calorie free and tastes 600 times sweeter than granulated sugar.

Even though it is calorie free, the use of sucralose must still be limited, aka it shouldn’t be excessive. The maximum limit for using sucralose is 15 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. So, if you weigh 50 kilograms, your limit for sucralose intake is 15 x 50 = 750 milligrams per day.

According to Medical News Today, sucralose is the safest sweetener to consume and mix into food, as some studies reveal sucralose is undetectable as a carbohydrate. This substance also does not increase appetite or gain weight.

One of the sweeteners made from sucralose and specifically for diabetics is Diabetasol Sweetener. Diabetasol Sweetener contains zero calories, so it helps to keep blood sugar stable. With natural sweetener content, Diabetasol Sweetener does not change the taste of drinks or food, even at high temperatures, so it can be enjoyed with tea, coffee, juice and can be used for cooking and baking.

latest diabetasol feb 2021

Now you don’t need to worry anymore if you need sweeteners that are safe and healthy for consumption.