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Benefits of Purple Fruits and Vegetables, Rich in Nutrients and Good for Health

Benefits of Purple Fruits and Vegetables, Rich in Nutrients and Good for HealthWine illustration. Shutterstock / mythja

Merdeka.com – A healthy and fit body is everyone’s desire. One way to maintain health is by exercising diligently, getting enough rest, and eating nutritious foods. In this case, vegetables and fruit are types of food that must be consumed because they are rich in antioxidants which are useful for protecting the body from free radicals and increasing endurance.

Vegetables and fruit vary in color but perhaps the most familiar to most people are green or yellow. Yet apart from that, there are many types of fruits and vegetables that are purple in color. You need to know that purple vegetables are rich in nutrients so they are good for consumption for the health of the body. There are many benefits that you can get when consuming green fruits and vegetables, one of which is maintaining heart health and avoiding the risk of developing cancer.

Furthermore, here are the benefits of purple fruits and vegetables which have been summarized by merdeka.com through liputan6.com on Wednesday (9/10/2020).

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