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3 Various Benefits of Consuming Sawo for the Body

Thursday, 24 December 2020 – 13:22 WIB

3 Various Benefits of Consuming Sawo for the Body - JPNN.com

Illustration of sapodilla fruit. Photo: Pixabay

jpnn.com, JAKARTA – AROMA A sweet sapodilla with a fleshy brown skin and a sweet grained inside.

It’s easy to like sapodilla or hate it. Here are some of the benefits of sapodilla for health, as reported by the Genpi.co page.

1. Smooth digestion

The fiber content in 100 grams of sapodilla fruit is known to be 5.3 grams.

You could say, the fiber contained in this fruit is quite high.

The abundant fiber and tannin content in this fruit can help smoothen your digestive system.

2. Helps lose weight

Are you struggling to get to your ideal body weight? In addition to exercise, eat lots of foods that contain fiber.


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