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These 4 benefits of kiwi fruit you should not ignore

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Just like other types of fruit, the benefits of kiwi fruit come from the nutrients contained in it. Starting from fiber, vitamin C, potassium, folate, and antioxidants. Eating kiwi fruit regularly can prevent blood clots, treat asthma, and increase endurance.

Prevent Blood Clots

Healthify Me (healthifyme.com) says that kiwi fruit can reduce the amount of fat in the blood so that blood clots can be prevented. That is, this function is useful for preventing cardiovascular disease.

In fact, blood clots can be prevented by taking aspirin. However, this type of drug can cause inflammation and disturbances in the digestive system. Kiwi fruit can be used to replace the aspirin function. Not only makes the blood thinner, kiwi fruit can also nourish the heart.

Overcoming Asthma Symptoms

The benefits of kiwi fruit can then be used by those of you who suffer from asthma. Usually, this disease is characterized by a condition that the body has difficulty breathing and makes sounds when breathing. Kiwi can treat these symptoms because they contain lots of vitamin C and antioxidants.

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Increase Endurance

Besides being effective in overcoming asthma symptoms, vitamin C in kiwi fruit is also useful for increasing your body’s resistance. Cells in the body will be stronger against free radicals and repair tissue damaged due to infection.

When the body’s immune system is strong, your body will avoid various types of diseases. For example, coughs, fever, colds, and so on. Therefore, try to eat kiwi fruit regularly. You can process it into various types of dishes, one of which is fruit salad.

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Promotes Skin Health

One of the benefits of kiwi fruit is that it improves skin health.

Other benefits of kiwi fruit are useful for maintaining the health of your skin. Vitamin C in kiwifruit can increase skin collagen production. This means that the skin can avoid dehydration and the structure will be better.

Not only that, anti-inflammatory and vitamin C are also able to reduce excess oil production and treat acne breakouts. Healthify Me recommends kiwi fruit extract mixed with aloe vera. Use the mixture on your face and let it sit overnight for maximum results.

Editor: Belladina Biananda