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Here are 5 benefits of soy milk that are useful for health

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Soy milk is one of the most nutritious drinks. Starting from fiber, protein, fatty acids, and minerals. Apart from giving you energy every day, there are many other benefits of soy milk that you can get.

Lose weight

We recommend that you consume soy milk regularly if you want to lose weight. This type of milk contains less sugar than cow’s milk. A glass of cow’s milk contains 12 g of sugar, while one glass of soy milk contains only 7 g of sugar.

This is what causes soy milk to have fewer calories, which only contains 80 calories. In addition, there are monounsaturated fatty acids and fiber in soy milk. This means that the absorption rate of fat decreases and you will feel fuller for longer.

Prevent Prostate Cancer

Quoting from Fit Day (fitday.com), soy milk contains many phytoestrogens which can prevent the production of the hormone testosterone. This means that the risk of prostate cancer can go down. Try to consume soy milk regularly, especially if there are other factors that can increase the risk of prostate cancer.

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Prevent Osteoporosis

One of the benefits of soy milk is preventing osteoporosis

The benefits of soy milk are also useful for maintaining bone health. Apart from preventing the production of the hormone testosterone, phytoestrogens are also useful for increasing calcium absorption so that bone density can be maintained.

Prevents Postmenopausal Syndrome

Fit Day says that the production of the hormone estrogen will decrease during menopause, causing women to experience postmenopause. If not treated properly, this condition can increase the risk of several diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

Not only that, women who experience postmenopause are more prone to experiencing depression, insomnia and other psychological disorders. To avoid this, try to consume soy milk regularly. Phytoestrogens in soy milk are useful for overcoming the reduced amount of the hormone estrogen.

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Strengthens Blood Vessels

Another benefit of soy milk that you can get is that the blood vessels become stronger. This is due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids. This content will increase the flexibility and resistance of blood vessels to free radical attack.

Editor: Belladina Biananda