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Many benefits of avocado for the brain

JAKARTA. Avocado is a healthy fruit. This green one contains protein, vitamin E, potassium, and other important nutrients. However, the benefits weren’t just that. According to recent studies, avocado also increases brain power.

In the research published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, the team of experts involved 60 people aged 25-45 years. The research team measured the levels of lutein, a nutrient found in avocados, and then they were asked to do sports that require high concentration.

Older respondents with high lutein levels had a similar nervous response to younger people.

Lutein can also be found in green leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach, eggs, and avocados.

The research team will conduct another study to find out more about the benefits of lutein for improving brain power.

Meanwhile, avocado also contains unsaturated fatty acids which have been shown to nourish blood fats. There are several studies that state that regular avocado consumption, of course, without added sweeteners, helps promote heart health. (Lusia Kus Anna)