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4 Special Benefits of Beluntas Leaves that are Rarely Known

Horticulture News – In herbal medicine, beluntas leaves have no doubt about their usefulness.

SariAgri – In herbal medicine, beluntas leaves have no doubt about its usefulness. plants that have a scientific name Plucheacea folium This is a wild plant that can grow in dry, rocky soil.

According to Setiawan Dalimartha in his book, Atlas of Indonesian Medicinal Plants, beluntas is a shrub with many branches, fine ribs, and the character of this plant can reach 3 meters in height, so it is often planted as decoration in the yard.

Agri friends can take advantage of beluntas leaves and roots. Because beluntas leaves are enriched with alkaloids, tannins, sodium, essential oils, calcium, flavonoids, magnesium, and phosphorus. While the roots contain flavonoids and tannins.

Now for those of you who don’t know, here are the properties of beluntas leaves in the world of herbal medicine that you need to know.

1. Indigestion medication

In beluntas leaves, there are 20% essential oils that can inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli which causes digestive disorders.

To mix this herbal concoction, you can wash the beluntas leaves thoroughly then boil them until they boil. After that, drink the boiled water of the beluntas leaves while warm.

2. Medicine for fever

If you have a fever, you can also drink beluntas leaf boiled water. This is because beluntas leaves are antipyretic which means fever reliever.

To make this herbal cough medicine you only need to prepare 15 grams of beluntas leaves and enough water. Then wash the beluntas leaves thoroughly then boil them until they boil. Immediately drink beluntas leaf boiled water while warm.

3. Medicine for body odor

Quoting from a book entitled The Smart Book of Medicinal Plants: 431 Types of Plants Combating Various Diseases, beluntas leaves are effective in treating bad breath and eliminating the smell of sweat. Beluntas leaves do have a distinctive aroma when crushed.

Based on the book entitled The Smart Book of Medicinal Plants, beluntas leaves are effective in treating bad breath and eliminating the smell of sweat. This is because beluntas leaves have a distinctive aroma when crushed.

You can apply it by pulverizing raw or steamed beluntas leaves. After that, eat beluntas leaves directly or you can use it as a fresh vegetables menu.

4. Pain medication during menstruation

It is normal for some women to experience pain during menstruation. However, sometimes the pain makes you unable to perform optimally in your activities.

To relieve it, you can boil 20 pieces of beluntas leaves that have been washed together with salt and tamarind. After boiling, drink the concoction while warm. You can drink beluntas leaves regularly when the pain comes.