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Rich in vitamin C, these are the benefits of lime that can be obtained

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. PRATAYANG SATURDAY. Lime is a fruit that is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, and other nutrients. Because of this content, it is not unusual for the benefits of lime to be hunted by many people. Lime can be used to increase endurance, prevent kidney stones and heart disease, and treat impaired iron absorption.

Despite their small size, limes contain many beneficial nutrients. Quoting from Healthline (healthline.com), in 67 g of lime there are 20 calories, 7 g carbs, 0.1 g fat, 22% vitamin C, 1.9 g fiber, 2% iron, calcium, vitamin B6, and thiamine. From these ingredients, there are many benefits of lime that you can taste.

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Good Source of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are important ingredients that are useful for fighting free radicals in the body. If not eliminated immediately, excess free radicals can expose the body to chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and other types of cancer.

Increase Endurance

The benefits of lime for increasing endurance are obtained because of the large amount of vitamin C. Vitamin C can help increase the production of white blood cells that can protect the body from disease. Vitamin C can also be useful for treating wounds faster by reducing inflammation and stimulating collagen production.

Promotes Skin Health

You can also use lime to improve skin health. Launching from Healhtline, one study involved 4000 and vitamin C. The result, women who consume more vitamin C can reduce the risk of wrinkles and dry skin.

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Reducing the Risk of Heart Disease

The benefits of lime can also be maximized to reduce the risk of heart disease. Vitamin C in limes can reduce high blood pressure, a major factor that causes heart disease. In addition, vitamin C can also prevent atherosclerosis (a disease caused by the formation of plaque on the arteries).

Prevents the Formation of Kidney Stones

Lime has a high content of citric acid so it can increase the amount of citrate in the body. The benefits of lime can also bind minerals that cause kidney stones.

Research results reported by Healthline show that people who eat more lime have a lower risk of kidney stones.

Editor: Belladina Biananda