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10 Benefits of Sapodilla for Health, Many Don't Know!


The sapodilla fruit has brown skin. The fruit that can be harvested this December is very sweet.

Sawo is thought to have originated from Central America and West India and then spread to a number of countries including the Philippines, Mexico and Indonesia.

In India, sapodilla is grown in many states namely Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh.

The sapodilla varieties in India have funny names, namely Kali Patli, Cricket Ball, Baramati, Pili Patli, Dwarapudi, Chhatri and so on.

Sawo is consumed as a salad. It can also be mixed into milk or yogurt and made into a smoothie.

The best way to eat this fruit is to peel the skin. After that, immediately consumed.

Following 10 Benefits of Sapodilla Fruit reported by NDTVFood:

1. Rich in Vitamins A and C

Sapodilla fruit is rich in vitamins A and C. Vitamin A keeps our eyes healthy, and you may see its benefits when you are much older.

For vitamin C, which can make your immunity strong, skin in good condition, kill free radicals, and prevent heart problems.

2. Increase Energy

The natural fructose and sucrose content in sapodilla can provide a lot of energy for your body.

So if you have a busy day ahead, take some sapodilla before you leave the house for a boost of energy.

3. Anti-inflammatory

Sapodilla has a high tannin content, which in turn functions as an anti-inflammatory or inflammatory.

Inflammation can lead to several diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

But eat sapodilla regularly to see the results.

4. Overcome Constipation

The next benefit of sapodilla is to help keep your digestion under control. The fiber in sapodilla is a laxative, therefore it helps treat constipation.

5. Source of Antioxidants

Besides being rich in dietary fiber, vitamins A and B, and C, sapodilla is also a source of antioxidants. Therefore, it is reported that sapodilla can prevent certain types of cancer such as oral cancer.