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Officially Launching, DTB's Digital Signature Platform Just Signed! Parent at Kominfo

Launching of PT DTB’s digital signature, Teken Aja Photo: kumparan
After being declared to have passed the test and registered as an Electronic Certificate Operator (PSrE), PT Djelas Signature Joint (DTB) services officially launched for all Indonesians. Platform digital signature This will be the first time to achieve the status of Parent at the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia (Kominfo).

DTB itself provides digital signature creation services through the Teken Aja! Brand.

The CEO of DTB, Alwin Jabarti Kiemas, said that he and his team had gone through a long process to get parenthood status at Kominfo. The audits conducted by Kominfo have followed the standards trust web.

To get this title, DTB must go through three stages and a digital security audit process many times. Just Sign! has met international standards and is able to compete with international digital signature providers.

With the advantages of this technology, they are ready to support safe, fast and efficient business processes, which in turn will encourage the digital ecosystem to strengthen the Indonesian economy.

“Just Press Advantage! such as environmentally friendly, space saving, and easy to use, and designed to use high technology and security, namely public key infrastructure or IKP, will make this system very secure. Just Sign! has passed the audit and testing process at Kominfo so that the confidentiality of the data is guaranteed, ”said Alwin, at the launching of the digital signature service DTB Teken Aja! at the Fairmont Hotel, Jakarta, Wednesday (3/2).

The moment of launching Just Sign! marked by a button press by the Director General of Dukcapil Kemdagri, Prof. Zudan Arif, Director General of Aptika Kominfo, Semuel A. Pangerapan, Deputy Commissioner of the OJK Institute and Digital Finance, Imansyah, and representative of GDP Venture, Benny Sudrata, as DTB investor.

Parent status to Kominfo

Just Sign Services! is an Electronic Certificate Operator (PSrE) whose regulations are based on Government Regulation No. 82/2012 concerning Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions. In that regulation, Kominfo stipulates that there are 3 status levels of PSrE recognition, namely: (1) registered Electronic Certification Providers; (2) a certified Electronic Certification Operator; (3) a parent Electronic Certification Operator.

Parent PSrE is an electronic certificate operator (CA) that has been recognized by the parent PSrE to carry out digital certificate services carried out by both Indonesian and foreign national color individuals, organizations and Electronic Certificate administering business entities domiciled in Indonesia or those who have foreign capital ownership.

The parent PSrE itself is an electronic certificate operator (CA) run by the Indonesian government under the Information Security Directorate, Kominfo.

The Director General of Aptika Kominfo, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, appreciated the hard work of the DTB team which successfully passed the Kominfo audit after three failed attempts, until finally it succeeded in holding platform which is safe to develop a digital ecosystem in Indonesia.

“In the digital space, it is difficult to ascertain who the person over there must be verified. It is PT DTB’s job to ensure safety, because what is being sold is trust, “Said the man who is familiarly called Semmy. “This is a mechanism that must be built. Thank you PT Djelas for enriching our digital ecosystem. “

Launching of PT DTB’s digital signature, Teken Aja Photo: kumparan

In the future, platform This DTB digital signature can be used for a variety of activities, from banking, corporate documents, to demography.

Director General of Population and Civil Registration, Prof. Dr. Zudan Arif, said platform Just Sign! will greatly help digitize and make the population system safer.

Zudan also said that currently Dukcapil was leading to a digital population system where all KTP documents, family cards, birth and death certificates and other population documents. Currently there are still many obstacles in the process of digitizing population documents, and it is hoped that the presence of DTB Teken Aja! can help with the process.

“If we look at developments that have occurred, previously our ID cards were manual, met, KTP was seen, matched with fingerprints to avoid crime and ensure correct identity. With digital signatures, the entire population ecosystem can lead to digital signatures, “said Zudan.

As of December 31, 2020, there are 200 million Indonesians with a total ID card holder of 196 million. All owner data ID card collected in big data fourth largest in the world. Zudan said that PT DTB is expected to be able to help dukcapil in the process of digitizing the digital signature of the population.

“The Dukcapil service is free, so please cooperate with the government,” Zudan continued.

Digital signature company PT DTB Teken Aja Photo: PT DTB Sign Aja!

In addition to residence, platform Digital signatures are also very useful for the financial technology ecosystem (fintech).

Imansyah, Deputy Commissioner of the Financial Services Authority (OJK), said that the presence of PT DTB can provide benefits to improve transaction security and the lending process in fintech platform.

“There are 16 the fintech cluster at OJK, the presence of Sign Just! this is very relevant to make more contribution real. In the future, the verification process for prospective customers is aside face-to-face it can be in other ways, namely technology that provides verification and that oversees digital finance. It’s not enough just one, “explained Imansyah.

PT DTB’s digital signature technology prevents denial of information so that it cannot be falsified or duplicated. With an audit process and rigorous testing of Kominfo, the company guarantees data confidentiality, protects the contents of documents and guarantees the authenticity of data to undeniable guarantees of such electronic documents.

Besides that, the advantages of the digital signature solution are Teken Aja! is technology biometrics that meets level 4 verification. This is the highest level for a digital signature.