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Activities Conducted by Deliberation

KOMPAS.com – Deliberations are part of democracy and are often held in the community.

Based on Indonesia Dictionary, deliberation is discussion together to reach a decision to resolve the problem, deliberation deliberation.

In the book Deliberative Democracy in Indonesia (2019) by Fahrul Muzaqqi, deliberation is a tradition. The idea of ​​musyawarah consensus is the original idea and tradition of Indonesian society.

Where the tradition is inseparable from the character of collectivity, mutual cooperation, and help. The characteristics of deliberation, namely:

  1. Conducted based on common interests.
  2. The results of deliberation decisions can be accepted with common sense and according to conscience.
  3. The opinion proposed is easy to understand and does not burden the deliberation members.
  4. Prioritizing moral considerations and originating from a noble conscience.

Also read: Deliberation: Meaning, Characteristics and Benefits

Reporting from Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, something that is in the common interest must be resolved by deliberation to reach a consensus. However, not all activities must be carried out in deliberation. Here’s an example:

Examples of deliberation activities are as follows:

  1. Deliberation during RT or neighborhood meetings in making decisions or in solving problems. To achieve mutual results.
  2. Deliberation in the family to determine the rules in the family to be fair and mutually agreed upon.
  3. Deliberation at school when distributing class picket assignments.
  4. Deliberation in determining the chairman and organizational structure of the youth organization.

Also read: The Application of Popular Values ​​in Everyday Life

  • Activities not deliberation

Examples of activities that are not carried out by deliberation, namely:

  1. Do not take exams together
  2. During the general election, both for the central, regional and presidential governments
  3. Skipping together