Generali has paid claims and benefits of IDR 569 billion as of November 2020
ILLUSTRATION. Generali Indonesia insurance customer claim service.
Reporter: Maizal Walfajri | Editor: Khomarul Hidayat
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Life insurance industry companies continue to carry out their obligations to pay claims and benefits for customers in the midst of a pandemic. PT PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia (Generali), for example, has paid 157,000 health and death claims worth IDR 569 billion until November 2020.
“This value includes claims related to Covid-19 amounting to Rp. 32.9 billion for 302 families up to November 30, 2020,” said Generali Indonesia CEO Edy Tuhirman recently.
As of September 2020, Generali recorded a premium of IDR 1.75 trillion or a decrease of 4% yoy from the position of September 2019 of IDR 1.83 trillion. However, continued premiums were still able to grow 4% yoy to IDR 1.07 trillion.
Also Read: As of October, Generali has paid claims of Rp. 28.6 billion related to Covid-19
The solvency ratio or RBC of this company in the first nine months of 2020 is 393%. The RBC is getting stronger than the same period last year at 359%.
Not only that, in the midst of uncertain market conditions, in November 2020, 98% of Generali customers had activated RoboARMS, whose investment performance was above the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) and some even reached 29% above the JCI.
“We remain optimistic in facing this pandemic. Even in the midst of challenging conditions, Generali’s growth continues to show good performance and is financially strong. Since the beginning of the year, we have taken many initiatives to continue to assist customers and society by launching various innovations and digital solutions, ”added Edy.
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