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Amazing! Here are the benefits of lemongrass for body health

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Lemongrass is not only useful as a food flavoring. In fact, lemongrass is also nutritious for maintaining a healthy body.

Generally, people are more familiar with lemongrass as an ordinary plant whose roots and stems are often used as a spice for cooking.

In fact, the essential oils in lemongrass are widely used in the cosmetic industry for the manufacture of perfumes and soaps.

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As information, lemongrass (Cymbopogon ciatrus) is a genus that contains about 55 species of grass. Lemongrass thrives in warm weather and reaches a height of about two to four meters.

Parts of lemongrass that can be used for herbs include the roots, stems and leaves. What are the unknown properties of lemongrass?

Prevent cancer

A study reveals that every 100 grams of lemongrass contains antioxidants that can prevent cancer. In 2006, a research team from Gurion University in Israel discovered a compound in lemongrass body that can kill cancer cells without damaging healthy cells.

Indigestion medication

Tea containing lemongrass helps with indigestion, stomach aches, colds, intestinal cramps and diarrhea. Lemongrass also helps reduce gas from the intestines while preventing further gas formation.


Lemongrass also has detoxifying properties for the body by increasing the number and frequency of urination. This can keep the digestive organs, liver, pancreas, kidneys and bladder clean and healthy because the toxic substances and uric acid have been removed.

Benefits on the nervous system

An essential oil made using lemongrass can be used to strengthen and improve nervous system function. Therefore lemongrass oil that is applied to the surface of the body has a warming effect, relaxes muscles and relieves spasms.

Lower blood pressure

Lemongrass is effective in reducing blood pressure, stimulating blood circulation and relieving blood pressure problems. Consume a glass of lemongrass juice to reduce hypertension.

As an analgesic

Lemongrass relieves all kinds of inflammation and irritability associated with aches and pains. So if you have toothache, muscle aches, joint aches, or aches, lemon tea can definitely help.

Beautiful skin

Lemongrass is a pillar in the cosmetics industry. Its benefits include reducing acne and functioning as a refresher. Lemongrass oil can also be smeared throughout the body to provide a warming effect.

Women’s health

Consumption of tea with lemongrass may help reduce menstrual pain and nausea. (M05-11)

Also Read: Here’s how to avoid diabetes at a young age

This article has been published on Kompas.com with the title “Lemongrass, a Warm Herbal”,