Must try! This is the benefit of solo traveling for women
KONTAN.CO.ID – Solo traveling for women it turns out to be useful, lo. You might try this if the new corona pandemic is over.
Launch Lonely Planet, there are five benefits solo traveling for girls:
First, solo traveling makes women stronger. Maybe this seems impossible to do.
However, at the moment solo traveling, You can carry a backpack or heavy bag alone without getting help from others.
Other than that, solo traveling make women more confident, dare to explore new places, socialize and learn to build a fortress for themselves.
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Second, You won’t feel regulated. When solo traveling, no one is going to arrange for you to go there, go here, eat this or eat that. You can do what you want.
Third, You won’t feel lonely. Even though on its own, solo traveling it’s not really alone.
At your destination, you can communicate with people in hostels, public transportation, or street food stalls.
Fourth, free and me time or have time alone. If in your daily life you are busy working or taking care of the household, then solo traveling You are free to enjoy your new place and do what you could not do back home.
Fifth, You become more tolerant of anything. Solo traveling makes you learn new things.
You learn to get to know the local culture and people. That way, you will be more tolerant of differences.
Good luck.
Editor: Novianti Siswandini