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Rich in nutrients, here are 4 benefits of dragon fruit

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. You can get the benefits of dragon fruit if you eat it regularly. This purplish or white fruit contains many nutrients that can nourish the body and prevent it from disease.

Rich in Nutrients

Dragon fruit is included in the superfood for not without reason. This fruit contains lots of fiber and nutrients and is low in calories so it can also be used to lose weight for a person.

Quoting from Healthline, in 227 g of dragon fruit, there are 136 calories, 3 g protein, 0 g fat, 29 g carbohydrates, and 7 g fiber. In addition, dragon fruit also has polyphenols, carotenoids, and betacyanins.

Against Chronic Diseases

One way to maintain a healthy body from chronic disease is to eat dragon fruit regularly. This fruit contains many antioxidants that can eradicate free radicals that cause inflammation and disease.

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Some types of diseases that can be avoided by diligently eating dragon fruit are heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. In one dragon fruit, you can get vitamin C, betalain which fights oxidative stress, and carotenoids which can reduce the risk of cancer.

Maintain Intestine Health

Healthline says, there are many bacteria in the intestines. When the number of good bacteria in the gut is out of balance, your health condition can be disturbed. For example, you can have heart disease or asthma.

To avoid this, you need to consume dragon fruit regularly because this fruit contains prebiotics. Prebiotics are able to balance the amount of good bacteria in the gut so that your body is able to avoid digestive tract infections, such as diarrhea.

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Strengthens the Immune System

A strong immune system will prevent you from various types of diseases. One of the benefits of dragon fruit is to strengthen your body’s immune system. Vitamin C and carotenoids will keep white blood cells from being damaged.

White blood cells function to fight harmful foreign objects that enter the body. However, white blood cells are prone to damage, so they need to be properly maintained. Apart from vitamin C and carotenoids, the antioxidants in dragon fruit will also protect white blood cells.

Editor: Belladina Biananda