– For most people, cleaning the house is one of the mandatory routines that are carried out every day. Especially for housewives, cleaning activities can be done in the morning or evening. This activity is carried out of course to keep the house clean, tidy, and comfortable to live in.
More than just a daily routine, cleaning the house has various benefits that can be obtained. The benefits of cleaning the house as a daily activity can help the body move more and be more active. This certainly can support better physical health.
Not only that, it turns out that cleaning the house is also good for mental health. That said, cleaning the house can help put you in a better mood. In addition, a clean and tidy house or room can also increase the brain’s ability to focus on completing various kinds of work.
In fact, having a clean room can allow you to get more interesting and positive ideas and inspiration. So that cleaning the house is not just a daily routine that is done for no reason. Moreover, this activity can provide a variety of benefits that can support your overall physical and mental health.
If you intend to build healthier habits, this activity should be on your to-do list. You can take a look at some of the following mental health benefits of cleaning your house for consideration. Reporting from Verywell Mind, here we summarize some of the benefits of cleaning the house for mental health that need to be known.
Messy Room Has Negative Impact
Before knowing some of the benefits of cleaning the house for mental health, it is necessary to first understand that a messy and messy room or house has several negative effects. In this case, a messy and neglected house can trigger thoughts of stress and depression in a person.
This is evidenced by research which states that women who live in messy places tend to get tired and depressed easily, compared to women who live in quiet and restorative homes. Not only that, women who live in messy homes also have higher levels of the hormone cortisol.
Not only that, living in a messy house also makes it more difficult for the brain to focus on completing existing work. This chaotic state also creates the risk of confusion, tension, and irritable emotions. Meanwhile, people who live in a clean and tidy house are considered to tend to be organized in controlling their emotions and produce a more positive atmosphere.
Improve Physical Health
The first benefit of cleaning the house is that it can improve physical health. This is clear, when you do cleaning activities, your whole body will move more actively.
Not only that, a clean house also affects your physical health. Based on the research results, it is clear that people who live in clean and tidy houses tend to have better health than those who live in messy houses.
Reduces Stress Conditions
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The next mental health benefit of cleaning the house is that it can help reduce stressful conditions. According to studies, it is said that people who are under stress tend to engage in repetitive behaviors such as cleaning the house as this can give them control and control during stress-induced chaos.
This has become a common response that is often experienced. Where when the mind and body feel stress there is a tendency to curb or clean the surrounding environment to reduce the negative effects of stress.
Improve Mood
The next benefit of cleaning the house for mental health is that it can improve mood or a better mood. Being in a clean house or environment is one of the supporting factors to reduce thoughts of stress and anxiety that you experience. For example, when you clean the room and bed to make it tidier and smell good, it can support a good and adequate quality of rest.
Based on the study results, cleaning the house coupled with the final result of a clean and comfortable home has been shown to help reduce stress, feelings of anxiety, and symptoms of depression. Cleaning the house can also reduce fatigue and increase concentration.
Increase Focus
Last but not least, the benefits of cleaning the house for mental health are that it can increase your focus for the better. When the house is messy, or very dirty, the mess can affect your ability to focus.
Clutter also limits the brain’s ability to process information. In fact, researchers have found that people who are less irritable, less distracted, more productive, and better able to process information are those who are in a clean, tidy, and orderly environment.
If you experience this, you need to try cleaning the room or house. Taking a few minutes to organize your things and clear up any clutter can make it easier for you to concentrate and get things done faster.