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Have different benefits, here are 5 types of sweet potatoes with different colors

MANTRA PANDEGLANG – Sweet potato is one of the traditional Indonesian foods that can replace rice, because sweet potatoes contain many sources of carbohydrates and are also rich in nutrients that are good for health.

And what’s unique about sweet potatoes has a different color, as well as different benefits.

According to Livescience, one medium sweet potato (130 grams) has 100 calories with zero calories from fat. Various studies suggest increasing consumption of sweet potatoes to reduce various diseases.

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Here are 5 sweet potatoes with different colors and different benefits, as summarized by mantrapandeglang.com from various sources, including:

1. Purple Sweet Potato

Sweet potato ungi have purple leaves, have purple skin and flesh color. Purple sweet potato contains an average of 20 percent lysine, Cu, Mg, K, Zn. It is also a source of carbohydrates and a fairly high source of calories. Coupled with a source of vitamins and minerals, vitamins contained in sweet potatoes include vitamin A, vitamin C, thiamin (vitamin B1), and riboflavin. While the minerals in sweet potatoes include iron (Fe), phosphorus (P), and calcium (Ca).

2. Orange Sweet Potatoes

The yellow or orange color of the tubers is caused by the presence of beta-carotene compounds which are beneficial to the health of the body because they can function as provitamin A. In addition, beta-carotene is also reported to provide protection or prevention against cancer, premature aging, decreased immunity, heart disease, stroke, cataracts, sunburn, and muscle disorders