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6 The benefits of kencur as an herbal medicine for colds and stomach ulcers

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Kencur is often processed into herbal medicine which tastes fresh and sweet. These are the benefits of kencur as a herbal medicine that you should know.

Fans of traditional herbal medicine must be familiar with kencur. Yes, kencur is known as empon-empon which is often used as herbal medicine.

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Kencur is quite easy to find in traditional and modern markets. Meanwhile, kencur plants are often found in yards or gardens.

Understandably, kencur is included in the list of Family Medicinal Plants (TOGA). Launching from a book entitled Overcome Gout & Rheumatism ala Hembing, kencur contains essential oils, alkaloids, flavonoids, and starch.

In addition, kencur also has pharmacological effects as a pain reliever, aka analgesic, anti-cough, expels phlegm, and increases appetite.

This makes kencur believed to be effective as an herbal remedy for many diseases.

Kencur as a herbal medicine

From all parts of the kencur plant, kencur rhizome is widely used as herbal medicine. Kencur rhizome flesh is white and has a distinctive aroma.

Here are the benefits of kencur as an herbal medicine

1. Rheumatism and aches

Rheumatism can attack anyone regardless of gender. Kencur is rich in essential oils and antioxidants which are believed to be effective as herbal rheumatism remedies.

To feel the benefits, you only need to boil 10 grams-30 grams of kencur until it boils. Once warm, you drink kencur boiled water at once.

2. Cough

Kencur has anti-cough pharmacological effects. This is what makes kencur believed to be effective in relieving coughs.

Launching from the book titled List of Indonesian Medicinal Plants & Their Benefits, by Nafan Akhun, you only need to prepare 1 kencur rhizome.

You wash the kencur rhizome and then grate it. You add one cup of warm water and then squeeze it. You drink kencur juice with a pinch of salt.

3. Diarrhea

Everyone must feel uncomfortable when suffering from diarrhea. Understandably, diarrhea makes the body weak because it loses a lot of body fluids.

Kencur is effective as a herbal remedy for diarrhea, a solution for those of you who are reluctant to take chemical drugs.

How to make herbal medicine for diarrhea from kencur is quite easy, this is the recipe.


  • Kencur 2 rhizomes
  • 1 cup warm water
  • Salt to taste

How to make

You wash the kencur under running water. You grate the kencur then add warm water and salt. After that you squeeze and filter. You rub the herbal concoction on the stomach.

4. Smooth menstruation

Do you have frequent periods that are not smooth? Kencur can be the solution. To feel the benefits, you must prepare 2 pieces of kencur the size of your thumb, 1 sheet of trengguli leaves, 2 clove seeds, and anise of pulawaras to taste.

You boil all ingredients with one liter of water until boiling. After that you strain and chill. You take this herbal medicine twice a day.

5. Get a cold

Colds are a common disease suffered by people. For those of you who are reluctant to take chemical drugs, kencur can be a solution.

You only need to consume 1 finger-sized kencur with salt. After that you drink 1 glass of water. You can take this herbal medicine twice a day.

6. Flatulence and inflammation of the stomach

Kencur is believed to be effective for treating diseases related to digestion, one of which is flatulence and stomach ulcers.

To get the benefits, you only need to boil 10 grams – 30 grams of kencur with water until it boils. Once warm you drink kencur boiled water at once.

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